
#87 Delayed refresh upon wake from sleep

1.4.x update

Version 1.5.2 (build 1) Mac 10.6.6 on MacBook Pro late 2009, in the menubar.

I remember a similar problem from years ago which caused me to stop using the product. Tried it again today and it's much better, but still fails to be smart upon wake from sleep. I put my Mac to sleep at 12:20 PM today. Refresh interval is set for 15 minutes. I woke it at 4:15PM, but it took until 4:24 for Meteo to go get the updated weather. I don't understand why Meteo can't figure out, upon waking up, if the refresh interval has passed since the last refresh, and immediately refresh again. It shouldn't take 8-10 minutes. I'm sure you can understand that if I look at the menubar and can't tell whether the information is 10 minutes or 10 hours old, I'm not going to want to rely on in. Perhaps it would help if I understood when I could expect it to refresh after sleep. But that doesn't change the point that it should do so immediately upon wake if the refresh interval has elapsed.


  • EdwardD20

    EdwardD20 - 2011-01-16

    Just a couple of comments.

    This is an interesting issue. 1) Does Meteo get notified when your Mac wakes up or simply X minutes of elapsed time of being awake?

    And 2) Many others have complained (including myself) that Meteo tries to refresh too soon after waking up and the network connection isn't re-established yet and Meteo gets all confused and won't display anything forcing a quit and restart.

    Like I said, just comments. Good suggestion however.

  • EdwardD20

    EdwardD20 - 2011-01-16
    • labels: 559258 -->
  • Jerry

    Jerry - 2016-02-10
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> 1.4.x update

    If there is still interest, reopen.


    Last edit: Jerry 2016-02-10

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