
#5 Status Access Violation


I'm running 0.8 on win32, everything seems to work
until i start the quiz, then the bot just EOF's

0 [main] TRIVIA 236561 handle_exceptions: Exception:

8636 [main] TRIVIA 236561 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping
stack trace to TRIVIA.EXE.stackdump


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Gah. Forgot to attach the dumpfile...


    Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=004026C6
    eax=0041B58C ebx=00000000 ecx=004050E6 edx=0041B660
    esi=00000000 edi=00000008
    ebp=0255F52C esp=0255F524 program=C:\MIRC\BLITZED-
    cs=015F ds=0167 es=0167 fs=3D3F gs=0000 ss=0167
    Stack trace:
    Frame Function Args
    0255F52C 004026C6 (0041B58C, 00000000, 00000400, 0000000A)
    0255FA3C 004054C1 (0041B660, 002428B5, 0255FB7C, 00403EAC)
    0255FB7C 00403EB8 (0041B560, 0009C400, 0255FBBC, 00401AEE)
    0255FBBC 00401AF9 (0041B000, 0255FD3C, 0255FBEC, 00402259)
    0255FBEC 00402372 (00000002, 04590A38, 04590008, 00000000)
    0255FD88 61003AEA (00000000, 00000000, 01670167, 0255FF68)
    0255FDB8 61003CBD (00402244, 00000000, 8165DD30, 00000000)
    0255FDD8 61003CFC (00000000, 00000000, FFFFFFFF, 00000001)
    0255FE08 00413B23 (00402244, 0255FC8C, BFFC9490, 0255FF68)
    0255FE38 0040103D (00000000, 8163FDE4, 00550000, 76697254)
    0255FF78 BFF8B537 (8165DCEC, 8163FDE4, 00000008, 00000000)
    142942 [main] TRIVIA 236561 handle_exceptions: Exception:
    143692 [main] TRIVIA 236561 handle_exceptions: Error while
    dumping state (probably corrupted stack)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    i have check this problem, the problem is that the Question
    Master and the Trivia.exe programs are not handling the
    same database type. If you use the trivia.exe with any
    database that is comes it works fine.
    When you use the Question master program to edit the
    databases that is in the trivia.exe folder itll just seems like
    you have only 1 question.

    Big mistake here

  • Luis Ovalles

    Luis Ovalles - 2002-11-13

    Logged In: YES

    i have check this problem, the problem is that the Question
    Master and the Trivia.exe programs are not handling the
    same database type. If you use the trivia.exe with any
    database that is comes it works fine.
    When you use the Question master program to edit the
    databases that is in the trivia.exe folder itll just seems like
    you have only 1 question.

    Big mistake here


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