
HamsterOS / News: Recent posts

Version 0003 Released

It now initalizes COM port 1 and you can send text through it with the command "snet send <MESSAGE>". This might actually be semi-useful when hamsterOS can recieve messages as well :).
There's also a cute little hamster in the corner!

Posted by Michael Sheldon 2003-09-11

Version 0002 Released

This version has a FAT12 bootloader, a few simple commands and a help system!

Commands are:
ver - display version
restart - warm restart
help - help system

Posted by Michael Sheldon 2003-09-06

Version 0001 Released

This version is purely so that you can take a look at the pretty colour schemes and such, no commands actually work yet though. You can type away to your hearts content but the poor little hamster in your computer won't understand what you're saying.

Posted by Michael Sheldon 2003-03-14