
haiku.vm.MicroKernel.panic instantiates VirtualMachineError

  • Nicolas Carranza


    I'm preparing my environment to play with haiku and I noticed that
    haiku.vm.MicroKernel.panic(lines 36 and 39, haiku-1.2.3) method
    instantiates a java.lang.VirtualMachineError. This class is abstract
    (non-instantiable) in the jdk-se, (It is not abstract on the lejos nxt
    classes.jar, I don't know why...) why don't you use InternalError (or
    another non abstract VirtualMachineError subclass) to be more compatible
    with the jdk-se? Is it kindof an optimization (space)... does it worth it?

    Thank you!

    • genom2

      genom2 - 2015-03-19

      Hello Nicolas,

      may be, picking VirtualMachineError was just an homage to leJOS. Today I see no technical reason for this.
      I guess, I will follow your suggestion and will select InternalError instead in the next version of HaikuVM.

      Thank you and kind regards
      Bob Genom


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