Charlie F - 2005-07-17


I managed to build gxmame on my fedora core 3 box without a problem. I set up my directories and I can run an audit that shows that it can find many valid roms. None of the games are showing up in the list though. I get some GTK assertions failing on the terminal window. I've included the debug output produced when starting up and selecting "Rebuild game list". I've also pasted in the output of "yum list all | grep -i gtk" - in case this is some sort of gtk versioning issue. The app looks quite slick so I would like to get this working if possible.

Thanks for your time,


** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Trying /usr/bin/xmame -version -noloadconfig 2>/dev/null
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Reading line xmame (x11) version 0.96 (May 11 2005)

** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: checking xmame version: xmame (x11) version 0.96 (May 11 2005)
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: name=xmame. target=x11. version=version 0.96 (May 11 2005).
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: xmame_table: Added "/usr/bin/xmame", Total=1
** Message: Loading gamelist
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Checking version of gamelist file: GXMame - 0.7
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: List for xmame version 0.96 (May 11 2005)
** Message: Loaded 0 roms by 0 manufacturers covering 0 years.
** Message: with 0 games supporting samples.
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: games.ini not found
** Message: games.ini not loaded, using default values
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Loading catver: ;; CatVer (rev. 1) / 22-Oct-04 / MAME .87u4 / ;;
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Loading catver:
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Getting the ctrlr list. /usr/lib/games/xmame/ctrlr
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: ERROR - unable to open folder /usr/lib/games/xmame/ctrlr
** Message: time elapsed:1.218450e-01
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Hide menu: details tree

(gxmame:4653): Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtktogglebutton.c: line 314 (gtk_toggle_button_set_active): assertion `GTK_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle_button)' failed
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Show menu: details

(gxmame:4653): Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtktogglebutton.c: line 314 (gtk_toggle_button_set_active): assertion `GTK_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON (toggle_button)' failed
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Adding xmame (x11) version 0.96 (May 11 2005)
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Comparing /usr/bin/xmame
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG:         /usr/bin/xmame exec added checked to 1
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Hide snaps tab menu
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: DISPLAY GAME LIST
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: POPULATE GAME LIST
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: no games selected
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: init done, starting main loop
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: freeing glists
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: POPULATE GAME LIST
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: no games selected
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: recreate game list
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: xmame version: 0.960000 version 0.96 (May 11 2005)

** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: checking xmame options
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: getting xmame dsp plugins
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: Open Sound System DSP plugin, code (oss )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: Esound DSP plugin, code (esound )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: Alsa Sound System DSP plugin, code (alsa )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: aRts DSP plugin by Manuel Teira, code (arts_teira )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: aRts DSP plugin by Petr Smotek, code (arts_smotek )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: getting xmame mixer plugins
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: Open Sound System mixer plugin, code (oss )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: plugin found: ALSA mixer plugin, code (alsa )
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: total games supported=:5632
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: drivers list loaded
** Message: creating game list, Please wait:
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: reload everything
** Message: Loading gamelist
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Checking version of gamelist file: GXMame - 0.7
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: List for xmame version 0.96 (May 11 2005)
** Message: Loaded 0 roms by 0 manufacturers covering 0 years.
** Message: with 0 games supporting samples.
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: games.ini not found
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Loading catver: ;; CatVer (rev. 1) / 22-Oct-04 / MAME .87u4 / ;;
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: Loading catver:
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: POPULATE GAME LIST
** (gxmame:4653): DEBUG: no games selected
** Message: Exiting GXMame...
yum output:

authconfig-gtk.i386                      4.6.5-3.1              installed
gnome-python2-gtkhtml2.i386              2.6.0-3                installed
gtk+.i386                                1:1.2.10-33            installed
gtk-doc.noarch                           1.2-2                  installed
gtk-engines.i386                         1:0.12-5               installed
gtk2.i386                                2.4.14-3.fc3           installed
gtk2-devel.i386                          2.4.14-3.fc3           installed
gtk2-engines.i386                        2.2.0-6                installed
gtkhtml2.i386                            2.6.2-1                installed
gtkhtml3.i386                            3.3.2-3                installed
gtkhtml3-devel.i386                      3.3.2-3                installed
gtkmm20.i386                             2.2.12-1               installed
gtkmm20-devel.i386                       2.2.12-1               installed
gtksourceview.i386                       1.1.0-3                installed
gtkspell.i386                            2.0.7-2                installed
pygtk2.i386                              2.4.0-1                installed
pygtk2-devel.i386                        2.4.0-1                installed
pygtk2-libglade.i386                     2.4.0-1                installed
usermode-gtk.i386                        1.74-1                 installed