
#5 (wish) playing whole song in zoomed view

Thiemo G.

would be nice if you could zoom into the song (lets say a 10s time
frame) and then play the whole song.
The view should scroll then so you can always see the actual wave
form being played.


  • Thiemo G.

    Thiemo G. - 2005-01-08
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Thiemo G.

    Thiemo G. - 2005-01-08
    • summary: (whish) playing whole song in zoomed view --> (wish) playing whole song in zoomed view
  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2017-08-17

    Note that this is now available in the recent fork at Unfortunately Jan did that work before seeing that I'd been working on gwc, so it doesn't incorporate my fixes from the new release.

    I don't currently intend to merge that particular change, because I don't think it works well enough to be better than smart use of the "zoom selection" and "zoom extents" tools (noting that IIRC in the new version I have made some slight improvements in terms of what is selected after using zoom tools). e.g. he had to disable waveform display during playback at higher zooms because he couldn't get it to work right.
    We believe that a proper implementation of this would require a fairly significant rewrite of the code dealing with the waveform display and audio selection, and neither of us is looking to attempt that (unless Jan's changed his mind since I heard from him).


    Last edit: Alister Hood 2017-08-17

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