
Feature Request: Disable "Pause on Click"

  • synkdorbit

    synkdorbit - 2007-07-17


    As a habit, I tend to double-click on a video while it's playing in order to view it in full screen mode. As soon as I do that, I realize that I also end up pausing it in the process. This happens when MPC is in Normal mode but not in Compact mode.

    I would like to see an option to disable that "click to pause" feature.

    And a bonus, a "Full Screen" button on the control bar would be nice too!

    • Tim

      Tim - 2007-07-17

      How 'bout just unassigning that function in the Keys panel of the options? ;-)

      Highlight the Play/Pause row, scroll over to the Mouse column and set it to None.

    • synkdorbit

      synkdorbit - 2007-07-17

      Awesome! Thanks! :-) 

      (I figured I was overlooking something)

      • Gabest

        Gabest - 2007-07-17

        Personally, I use the middle mouse button to switch to fullscreen (which is the wheel on my mouse).


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