
Help! Simlt. Playback on Multiple Sound Cards

  • Thomas Anderson

    Thomas Anderson - 2008-08-04

    Hi, guys,

    You make a hell of a player, but there is one thing that I think no player can do, and, having my balls put to the wall, I am forced to ask for your help. Basically, my manager went and got a large number of USB headsets for my ESL listening class. They will be very hard to return now and I need to find a way to play back audio and sound from video *simultaneously* on all 20+ USB headsets. Now, I understand that Windows allows one audio playback device selection at a time, but this is all software, right? Can a workaround that channels the same thing to every "card" be made? Is there such a thing available already? I'd give my left nut to know the answer. Come Tuesday there'll be hell to pay...

    I'd appreciate any information you could throw my way.

    • MadCap

      MadCap - 2008-08-06

      I will take a wild guess and assume that each member in your class have one computer each. If not I think your usb ports will have a hard time to power the headsets. External powered usb hubs is one solution, but not a nice one.

      If one computer each is used take a look at VLC:

      Take a closer look at media streaming (for example\). I think the solution will be to stream the media to each computer.


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