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sorry, didn't watch the tracker, so the answer comes with 30
days delay :)

Yes, it does. i simply took big parts from the X11 and GTK
client; the basic difference is, that i use a native win32 gui,
and do drawing with opengl functions (simply by making
textures from then png's, and rendering a checkerbord of
quads, instead of using the drawing functions of win32 or gtk.

This is much faster on my system, since i have a tnt2-ultra.

One remark: Lately, I have noticed that my client doesn't run
on a computer with another operating system (windows 2000
instead of windows XP) and another graphics card (not an
nvidia card). Not sure what the reason is. Probaby because
the riva opengl driver stores all parameters of a texture in the
texture object itself (so you don't have to set them again,
when using the texture object), and i rely on that fact. But
this behaviour is not documented in the opengl specification,
so probably the reason is my use of this feature/bug of the
nvidia opengl driver.