
#3 beam direction problem


beams are sometimes going the wrong direction.
The following guido code (or the attached file) illustrates
the problem.
% this is to illustrate the beaming problem
% with time signature like 3/8 in the first measure:
% the 16th note stem goes the wrong direction
% the second measure shows an erroneous stem direction
[ \clef<"g2"> \meter<"3/8">
f/8. g/16 a/8 b/8 d/16 e/8.
f/16 g/8. a/8



  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2003-12-08

    beam direction problem gmn file

  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2003-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    to solve the problem, the following should work:
    since dates and durations are expresseed as rational numbers;
    - let n be the denominator of the note that holds the beam
    - let d be the denominator of the note duration
    if n < d then the beam should go to the right
    else the beam should go to the left

    This is intuitively deduced from a rewriting rule that operates as
    the beam direction problem appears when there is a single
    beamed note (a 16th note after a dotted eight note for
    - rewrite the rythm without dots but using ties
    - the beam direction into the rewritten rythm indicates the
    direction for the single note.

  • Jerome Berthet

    Jerome Berthet - 2003-12-09

    Logged In: YES

    Fixed by adding a method IsSyncopated() in the GREvent
    class, and calling it from inside GRBeam.cpp.
    IsSyncopated() compares the denominator of the normalized
    duration fraction of a note and the denominator of the
    non-denormalized fraction of its date. GRBeam call this
    method to deduce if a beam should go leftward or rightward
    from the stem of the note.

    This fix only concerns the graphical representation (GR) of
    music. It would be a good idea to have a beam direction cue
    calculated and stored in the AR (and maybe a tag to force it).

    It works now at least for common cases, it has not been
    stress-tested yet.


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