
gtksort / News: Recent posts

GtkSort 0.3.3 released

Version 0.3.3 has been released. This version includes:

* Bugfix for the recent implementation of radix sort.
* Further radix sort performance improvement.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2011-08-29

GtkSort 0.3.2 released

Version 0.3.2 has been released. This version includes:

* Faster implementation of radix sort

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2011-07-26

GtkSort 0.3.1 released

Version 0.3.1 has been released. This version includes:

* Bugfix over a serious bug causing FPE during initialization.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2009-02-19

GtkSort 0.3.0 released

Version 0.3.0 has been released. This version includes:

* gtksortgen utility introduced. gtksortgen is used in the test suite instead of Microsoft's SortGen.
* A 64 bit portability issue solved
* Minor cosmetic changes

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2008-02-10

GtkSort 0.2.3 released

Version 0.2.3 has been released. This version includes:

* A serious bug fix for win32. GtkSort was crashing when the input file had size greater than two gigabytes.
* Minor performance improvements for win32.
* Minor cosmetic fixes for win32.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2007-08-08

GtkSort 0.2.2 released

Version 0.2.2 has been released. This version includes:

* A test suite introduced. Serious bugs found and fixed. The test suite will be extended in the future.
* Now the temporary directory can be defined by the user through the properties.
* New key data types added for 32 and 64 bit floating point.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2007-06-28

New web page and documentation release

First release of the documentation along with the new web page.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2007-03-02

GtkSort 0.2.1 released

GtkSort could not sort correctly continious text keys of the same order. This release fixes the bug.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2007-02-25

GtkSort 0.2.0 released

GtkSort 0.2.0 has been released. This version includes:

- New key data types added for 16, 32 and 64 bit integers
- Command Line Interface implemented. Now you can use GtkSort in your scripts. Type gtksort -h for more information
- Minor bug fixes

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2007-02-13

GtkSort 0.1.0 released

GtkSort 0.1.0 has been released. This is the first release of the source code. Binary packages for Slackware 11.0 and Microsoft Windows 32-bit are also available.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2007-01-17

First release.

The first release of the source code of GtkSort is planned by the end of February 2007.

Posted by Lucas Tsatiris 2006-12-16