
#207 Direct podcasts lose last played position when synced


On an iPod Touch (mine is an 8GB), syncing the database with gtkpod causes any podcasts downloaded directly onto the ipod to lost their last played position.

These are downloaded straight from iTunes without a computer and are stored in the /podcasts directory on the iPod.


  • Christophe Fergeau

    Do you have any idea where this last played position is stored on the ipod touch, especially for podcasts which were downloaded by the ipod?

  • Christophe Fergeau

    • assigned_to: nobody --> teuf
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-16

    It is not just the loosing of their last position. I assume that they will all be reset to "unplayed" or "playcount=0" (don't know exactly what happend...) And this happens for every podcasts on my iPhone on every sync, not only directly loaded ones.

  • Christophe Fergeau

    I added these patches to libgpod some time ago (shout at me if I'm mistaken :)

  • Christophe Fergeau

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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