
video capture: supported resolution problems

  • david buchmann

    david buchmann - 2009-04-30

    hi forum, hi andres,

    this started as a lengthy bug report, but while digging up the information, i stumbled over the solution. i have a logitech web cam running with the gspca driver in linux. this cam has quite low resolution and the driver seems only to work if requested with an available resolution. (well, i am not an expert of that subject, you know)
    the GettingStartedCaptureLinux.pde and the pipes Test.pde just gave nothing, as the camera.available() returned false. uncommenting the check got me a NullPointerException at

    a lot of googling later, i stumbled over

    indeed, running the gstreamer app cheese -v told me a pipe that would work with my camera:
    v4lsrc name=video_source device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=352,height=288,framerate=25/1 ! identity
    and indeed, the pipes Test.pde works with that pipe :-)

    the GSCapture did not work even with 352, 288 for resolution, but at least i get my input :-D

    now it would be cool to add that tip somewhere in the documentation. or even more cool to add that feature to the gsvideo library so you can just tell it to open a video input with the closest matching resolution. i browsed through the cheese source code and it seems cheese queries gstreamer for the webcam's supported resolutions in src/cheese-webcam.c cheese_webcam_get_supported_video_formats

    anybody up to do that? would be a cool feature for gsvideo!


    • Andres Colubri

      Andres Colubri - 2009-05-01

      hello david,

      Many thanks for your post and for figuring out how to make this camera work with gsvideo.

      I agree that having gscapture to match the specified resolution to the closest available would be a very cool feature. I added a request for this feature in the Tracker.


      • david buchmann

        david buchmann - 2009-05-01

        hi andres,

        great to see such a fast response. i am montitoring the feature request now and will happily test it when there is something to try out.



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