
Version 1.52

* Configurable Oracle session tracing - any session statistics found in V$SESSTAT can be enabled for tracing. Config form is accessed via Edit->Configure Tracing menu. Because V$SESSTAT is queried in order to get the list of stats, a connection to a database is required.

* The SQL editor tabs now close with buttons on tab label, new tabs are added with Ctrl-T.

* The logged in user can now switch to any other schema
that has tables visible in the ALL_TABLES system
table. Switching the schema executes 'alter session set current_schema = :p1'

* Pixmaps have been added to table list browser that represent heap,
heap partitioned, IOT, partitioned IOT, and view table types.

* Pixmaps have been added to index browser to represent btree,
partitioned btree, bitmap, and function-based index types.

* Number colums sort correctly now, as numbers and not strings. The OCI fetch still retrieves everything as a string but number values are now converted to gin64's for display.

* Reverse engineering of table stats have been added to the table DDL browser. This could be useful if you are trying to create a dev environment as close to prod as possible, for example.

Posted by Colby Farrell 2006-09-21

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