
#30 improve code coverage runtime performance

Next Release

Need to go over the runtime code coverage classes with
a microscope to cut out every bit of fat we can.

Make this thing fast!


  • Scott Ellsworth

    Scott Ellsworth - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    This just came back to haunt me.

    On my current jdbc based project, the test time went over ten minutes
    recently, while when using Clover, it is under a minute. Most of the time,
    performance is within a factor of two as that given by Clover, so
    something has changed pathologically with this one test in my project.

    Last time, switching to MinDirChannelLoggerFactory fixed things - is
    there a cache tuning parameter or the like?

    Do you have any suggestions on how to figure out what it is doing, and
    why the time is so egregious? It sure sounds like dropping out of cache,
    or perhaps something suddenly went n^2 on us, as does this while
    running one of my unit tests, not later.


  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    For the CacheDir factory, if the number of classes you're
    instrumenting is larger than the cache size. It's designed
    to optimize situations where the code is referencing the
    same classes over and over. If the number of classes that
    it's interacting with is more than the cache size, then it
    will start opening and closing files, slowing down performance.

    You can set the "cachesize" parameter on the <logsettings>
    tag to the number of cached files you want to keep open.

  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    An idea for a new log factory: sockets!

    Have the logger talk to a separate server via a single
    socket (maybe named pipes?). The logger, then, would send
    all of the probe information along the single socket.

    The server would parse this output and push it to the
    standard file output. This would need a threaded pipe to a
    file writer (or writers) so as not to block the socket with
    pending writes.

    A shutdown hook in the logger factory would close and flush
    the pipe.

    Optionally, we could add a "flush on count" property, where
    every X writes to the pipe causes a flush to the pipe.

    The server could even use the java.nio library to enhance
    its performance.

  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    Another user-based optimization for the app as it stands
    now: turn off the virus checker to enhance the disk I/O

  • Scott Ellsworth

    Scott Ellsworth - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    I figured out why I saw such a slowdown, but not a solution as yet. The
    code I am testing calls one of my functions roughly 3-6M times per run.
    This takes roughly 20 seconds under normal circumstances, roughly 40s
    under clover, and more than ten minutes under grobo.

    (This is actually a problem with the program, but I suspect that a major
    performance boost could be had by looking carefully at what happens
    when a nontrivial function is called a LOT of times during a run.)

    This makes me think that switching loggers might not help, as it is just
    pounding the heck out of a few functions, rather than loading a lot of
    classes. The entire program is under 60 classes, including tests. It has
    many more that it uses from various jars, but program code itself is
    pretty isolated.

    Hope this helps,


  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    To extend the ideas presented with the socket factory, we
    can apply some of the same ideas to a file-based factory.

    The single file-based factory would keep a single file open,
    and write, on each probe line, the channel number + the
    class ID + the standard probe line.

    An additional report filter would need to run first, to
    split this file into the current directory structure.

    This format would have the added benefit of simplifying the
    process of joining multiple log directory output into a
    single repository.

    Both the socket and single-file logger factories could be
    abstracted out to use the same logic (different writers).

  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    If this is your situation, where the same functions are
    called over and over, then the MinDir might be the right
    answer. I'm curious as to the performance differences
    between these in different scenarios.

  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-04-16

    Logged In: YES

    I've started a new factory, "FileSingleSourceLoggerFactory",
    which outputs all of the classes for every channel to a
    single file. This should reduce the I/O of opening and
    closing files. Also, it has multi-write buffering so it
    doesn't have to write or flush on every call (but can). It
    also includes a shutdown hook to close off the open file.

  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-06-09

    Logged In: YES

    v5 beta 3 has been released on the SF downloads page, and
    includes this factory.

  • Brian Gartner

    Brian Gartner - 2004-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    First, thank you so much for creating and releasing this tool.

    I'm currently using grobocoverage to instrument and report
    on approximately 2400 classes. Using v5 beta 2 it would take
    about 32 hours generate the source reports. Using v5 beta 3
    has reduced this somewhat, but report generation still
    (understandably) takes quite a while (the numbers aren't in
    front of me as I type this from home). I'd like to try to
    squeeze a bit more performance out of it by using the
    FileSingleSourceLoggerFactory that you've mentioned (or
    anything you can suggest), but am wondering if I use this in
    addition to or instead of the "single" logger (which I'm
    currently using) or if they're actually the same thing.

    Do I just use the loggerFactory attribute in my ant
    grobo-instrument task? Will this have any effect on the
    speed of report generation? I don't mean to sound ungrateful
    for the work that you've obviously put into this excellent
    tool, but a little additional clarification on exactly how
    to use the factory would be much appreciated.

  • Matt Albrecht

    Matt Albrecht - 2004-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    This bug is for the actual runtime performance of generating
    the coverage numbers. The logger is what affects the
    runtime performance.

    Brian, it looks like you're looking for bug 947857, which
    handles the "offline" report generation (that is, it runs
    after tests have completed).

    As for the question about the FileSingleSourceLoggerFactory,
    this is aliased with the "single" logger.

    Also, thanks for the note about the docs. Some of them need
    work, and that sounds like an area I could improve them.