
About fault_voltage after running short circuit

  • Jack

    Jack - 2014-12-21

    I know that gridlabd can output the fault current on the link objects at the beginning of the fault by recording fault_current_in_A, B, and C,but I do not know how to record fault voltage on the node during the fault.
    could you help me on it?

  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2014-12-23


    Unfortunately, fault voltages are not currently calculated as part of the solution. GLD is similar to commonly used methods, in that it calculates an equivalent circuit/impedance between the fault and the source. So, only voltage at the source and the fault are needed.

    • Jack

      Jack - 2014-12-24

      Thanks Fuller
      I have read some topics posted before,and I find that voltdump can recorder voltages on nodes during the fault.Is it true?

      and Marry Christmas!!


      Last edit: Jack 2014-12-24
  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2015-01-05


    It can certainly record them, they are just not an accurate representation of the voltage. As I mentioned, voltage is only calculated / assumed at two locations during a fault - the source and the fault location. If you record voltages at that time, it will only represent the steady-state voltage immediately prior to the fault.

    • Jack

      Jack - 2015-03-04

      Thanks Fuller

      Sorry for the delayed response.As you said ,it calculates an equivalent circuit/impedance between the fault and the source.I have another question,if I create a fault on one line,is that mean the fault happen on the end of the line?I mean i want to know accurate place where the fault happen on the line.Can you tell me?
      By the way,object recloser's Parameter--retry_time,it can be used now?


      Last edit: Jack 2015-03-04
  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2015-03-06


    The short-circuit calculation is performed as though the fault occurred at the end of the line.

    The retry_time parameter will only be valid in the newer "delta mode" functionality, which is looking at sub-second dynamics. It has no effect on steady-state behavior.

    • Frank Tuffner

      Frank Tuffner - 2015-03-06

      Hello Jack,

      A quick clarification/correction on what Jason just replied regarding the retry_time parameter.

      At the moment, that parameter doesn't do anything. It was included a long time ago for completeness and we had hoped to eventually incorporate it (in deltamode or steady state). Right now, that parameter basically gets read in and then does nothing. It may get incorporated as part of future GridLAB-D developments, but right now it does not influence how the recloser object operates at all.



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