
Running script from Gridlab-d console

  • Keshava

    Keshava - 2014-07-14

    I've tried to run the "Exercise_4_2_1.glm" script (course / FourDayCourse / Solutions / 4.2 Reliability Solutions) via the gridlab-d console. A friend did this on his computer (he first transferred this file to "samples", under "GridLab-D") which generated two files after he ran the script; it is something along the lines of 'fault output' and 'Metrics' (this is an excel file), I'm not sure of the exact title.

    When I do the same on my computer, I don't generate any of the two files. Any reason for this?

    Thanks a lot. Btw thanks for the help with my reliability analysis question on the open discussion forum.

  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2014-07-14

    My initial guess would be it depends on where / how GridLAB-D is installed. Try checking the /bin/ folder in the installation folder (sorry, I think that's the folder it naturally writes's been a long time since I've used an installed version...if its not /bin/, then its one of the folders in the gridlabd install folder).


    Last edit: Jason Fuller 2014-07-14

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