
#192 Hausman test for endogenous regressors


The Hausman test statistic produced when the tsls method is used seems to be different from what I can get from the formulas in the reference mentioned in User's Guide (either J times the F statistic or the Chi-square statistic). Could you please make the formula for the statistic available or direct me to the formula in the reference? Thank you.


Bugs: #192


  • Sven S.

    Sven S. - 2015-05-04

    to be honest I couldn't find any precise reference in the docs (user
    guide or command reference) for the TSLS command. So this may count as a
    documentation bug per se, but OTOH I'm not sure what formulas you are
    talking about. Please be more specific and/or provide an example.

    I think for the panel case (classic RE vs. FE) at some stage gretl
    switched from the standard Hausman statistic to another one based on an
    auxiliary regression, but I'm not sure whether that change applies to
    the TSLS case as well. (For certain reasons I think this change would
    not be as necessary in the TSLS case compared to the panel case.)


    Am 04.05.2015 um 05:36 schrieb Daehoon Nahm:

    [bugs:#192] Hausman test for
    endogenous regressors

    Status: open
    Group: v1.0_(example)
    Created: Mon May 04, 2015 03:36 AM UTC by Daehoon Nahm
    Last Updated: Mon May 04, 2015 03:36 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    The Hausman test statistic produced when the tsls method is used seems
    to be different from what I can get from the formulas in the reference
    mentioned in User's Guide (either J times the F statistic or the
    Chi-square statistic). Could you please make the formula for the
    statistic available or direct me to the formula in the reference? Thank you.

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    Bugs: #192

  • Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti

    I think that what the user has in mind is the reference to Davidson and MacKinnon (2004) in the help to the tsls command.

    If I understand your points correctly, the small differences you get are due to the fact that in ols we use df-corrected hypothesis test, that are avoided in other commands such as tsls. A small script follows, to illustrate how you can replicate the Hausman test given by tsls exactly via ols:

    open mroz87.gdt --quiet
    list X = const WA
    list Z = WMED WFED
    # 1st stage
    ols WE X Z --quiet
    series u = $uhat
    # 2nd stage
    ols WW X WE u --quiet --no-df-corr
    omit u --chi-square --quiet
    # tsls
    tsls WW X WE ; X Z
    • Daehoon Nahm

      Daehoon Nahm - 2015-05-04

      Dear Professor Lucchetti,

      Thank you so much for your prompt and clear explanation.
      Thank you also for making such a good software program available to
      everyone. I have been using gretl for some of my courses. I like it and
      students also love it as it is so user friendly. I hit the wall when I
      tried to explain how the statistic was computed. I know exactly how it's
      done now.

      Kind regards,

      On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 8:59 PM, Riccardo wrote:

      I think that what the user has in mind is the reference to Davidson and
      MacKinnon (2004) in the help to the tsls command.

      If I understand your points correctly, the small differences you get are
      due to the fact that in ols we use df-corrected hypothesis test, that are
      avoided in other commands such as tsls. A small script follows, to
      illustrate how you can replicate the Hausman test given by tsls exactly
      via ols:

      open mroz87.gdt --quietlist X = const WAlist Z = WMED WFED

      1st stageols WE X Z --quietseries u = $uhat

      2nd stageols WW X WE u --quiet --no-df-corromit u --chi-square --quiet

      tslstsls WW X WE ; X Z

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Mon May 04, 2015 03:36 AM UTC by Daehoon Nahm
      Last Updated: Mon May 04, 2015 03:36 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      The Hausman test statistic produced when the tsls method is used seems to
      be different from what I can get from the formulas in the reference
      mentioned in User's Guide (either J times the F statistic or the Chi-square
      statistic). Could you please make the formula for the statistic available
      or direct me to the formula in the reference? Thank you.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Daehoon Nahm

      Department of Economics | Room 417, E4A
      Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia

      T: +61 2 9850 9615

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      Bugs: #192

  • Allin Cottrell

    Allin Cottrell - 2015-05-04
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti
    • discussion: enabled --> disabled