
Feature Request - database location

Hal Wilke
  • Hal Wilke

    Hal Wilke - 2008-12-30

    I wasn't able to find this when I looked through the preferences dialogue.

    I would like a way to specify the location of the .db file so that I can use a service like dropbox to keep multiple computers in sync automatically.

    • tom

      tom - 2008-12-30

      This isn't exposed in the GUI, but there's a commandline switch you can use when you start Gourmet.

      gourmet --gourmet-directory=/foo/bar/

      You could just change your menu-item to use this command if you wanted to make Gourmet always launch with the same DB location.

    • Hal Wilke

      Hal Wilke - 2008-12-31

      excellent...Thanks for the tip.

    • sesas

      sesas - 2009-08-01

      somebody else said that there's a portable version of this program on the portableApps site...

      anyway, i was wondering how come the program doesn't come preloaded with at least some recipes? not many, 10,000, or even just 1,000 would be a good start, because when the user opens the program, it's empty, completely empty. And if a users downloads the program so that he can easily search a recipe and make it, than he wont be able to do to so.

      I was thinking to open a new section on this site, where people can submit and rate recipes to be included in the standard installation, and eventually other 'recipes packages' (like 'Asian', 'Italian', 'meat lover', 'vegetarian', 'american extended', 'american traditional', ....)

      A little bit like the firefox plugins.

      Also I'm suggesting this because it seems to me quite a waste of time for every user to input their recipes, some of which might be unique, but i bet for the most part are very similar to thousands of other people inputting the same recipe.  I mean, a 'lasagna alla bolognese' have only 1 original way to be done: why not write it once for every body? then who wants to modify it, can of course.

      this is just a suggestion, just to make the program a bit more user-friendly,



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