
GreasySpoon / News: Recent posts

Release 1.0.10 available - Critical update

A critical error was identified in release 1.0.9. This issue does not affect earlier versions of GS. Users of v1.0.9 must upgrade to 1.0.10 to avoid any problem, or downgrade to release 1.0.8.

Please note that this will be the last official patch for GreasySpoon, whatever the new issues founded.

Posted by Karel 2014-05-17

Goodbye GreasySpoon

We are very sad to announce that GreasySpoon project is shutting down. After many years, our community has become stagnant and our forum never really took off. As the project was only supported by volunteers, it has become impossible to maintain the software with the intended quality, despite the devotion of some people.

We're thankful for the interest we've had over the years and hope that new, greater open-source software will blossom out of our absence.... read more

Posted by Karel 2013-01-08

GreasySpoon 1.0-STABLE8 available

The maintenance release 1.0.8 is available.
This version enhance languages extension mechanism, makes empty responses processed as HTML, and brings back the Windows installer.

Posted by Karel 2011-04-28

GreasySpoon 1.0-STABLE6 available

The maintenance release 1.0.6 is available.
This version fixes two HTTP compliancy errors (incorrect scheme parsing for FTP over HTTP, and potential error when adapting empty POST requests) and one ICAP core error (failure when processing files > 2GB).

Posted by Karel 2010-11-12

GreasySpoon 1.0 STABLE 5 available

The GreasySpoon release 1.0.5 is available.

This version solves an issue when processing corrupted gzip responses from servers (tries to fix up content instead of returning an ICAP error).

Posted by Karel 2010-07-03

GreasySpoon 1.0 moving to Maintenance

The version 1.0.x is moving to maintenance, meaning that only bug fixes will be provided from now.
Please note that due to lack of support to the project, the GPL v2 will likely shift to a dual licensing model for the next releases.

Posted by Karel 2010-05-24

GreasySpoon 1.0 STABLE 4 is available

The GreasySpoon release 1.0.4 is now available.
This update solves potential issue with slow backend servers, and fixes a bug with logs when starting application with CONFIG level.

This release also includes minor updates/fixes regarding documentation, shell scripts and default options.

Posted by Karel 2010-05-24

GreasySpoon 1.0 STABLE 3 is available

The GreasySpoon release 1.0.3 is now available to download.
This update solves bug with request scripts not enabled without restart, and provides some improvements to interface and scripts.

Posted by Karel 2010-04-29

GreasySpoon 1.0.2 STABLE is available

The GreasySpoon release 1.0.2 is now available to download.
This update solves several issues raised under heavy load, and allows to move version 1.0.x as STABLE.

Posted by Karel 2010-01-21

GreasySpoon 1.0.1 is available

GreasySpoon team is proud to announce the availability of the 1.0.1 release.

This release fixes following issues reported in 1.0.0:
.Ruby package issues (#2895407)
.charts generation (#2895409)
.errors including html tags(#2895411)
.getUrl() method in Java (was typed as getURL() )
.archive corruption when uploading it to unix servers via the web interface (backups, extensions,...)

Posted by Karel 2009-11-13

GreasySpoon 1.0.0 is available

GreasySpoon team is proud to announce the availability of the 1.0.0 release!

This release contains so many changes that it cannot be listed here, but the keys features are:
- Java native scripts support added
- GreasySpoon extension packages created to easier languages add-on (and GS releases ...)
- A complete interface refactoring
- Statistic charts
.....and many more......

The jump in versioning reflects both these changes, and some *heavy* deployments successfully made in production recently.... read more

Posted by Karel 2009-10-28

GreasySpoon 0.5.6 STABLE is available

GreasySpoon team is pleased to announce the availability of the 0.5.6 STABLE release!

This release has been brought forward to resolve two issues found in the prior release:
- fix issues with scripts ordering and reloading
- possibility to disable errors bypass (GreasySpoon will return an ICAP error in case of script failure) through a flag in configuration

This release includes also two minor enhancements:
- error log enrichment to easier maintenance in production environment
- sharedcache optimizations to improve multithreaded access performance... read more

Posted by Karel 2009-09-05

GreasySpoon : early 0.6.0 provided for testing

First step to 0.6.0 is out, with enough interesting features to make it available to all still a lot of work is pending before official release. You can test it by downloading it at or directly in SVN nighty build.
.Ant task to build packages
.Windows installer
.Use of DaemonTools to improve system integration
.Inclusion of X509 libraries to natively support SSL without need of external tools
.Replacement of Codepress by EditArea for development interface (web administration)
.Starting web interface refactoring
.Better reporting of scripts errors

Posted by Karel 2009-07-01

GreasySpoon : release 0.5.4 available

GreasySpoon is an scripting solution allowing to easily manipulate HTTP traffic: access control, content filtering, cross-domain management, mashups, etc.

GreasySpoon relies on ICAP protocol and is designed to work with any ICAP compatible proxy like Squid.

Version 0.5.4 fixes several bugs and includes some optimisations.

Posted by Karel 2009-04-14

GreasySpoon : release 0.5.3 available

GreasySpoon is an ICAP based scripting server allowing developers and network administrator to easily and quickly create content adaptation services: access control, content filtering, cross-domain management, mashups, etc. GreasySpoon is designed to work with any ICAP compatible proxy like Squid 3.0.

Version 0.5.3 is mainly a maintenance release, but provides two additional features:
- optional @responsecode tag for response's scripts, that allows to proceed other responses than 200 OK
(use "@responsecode 301 302" for example to modify redirection messages)
- MimeMagic implementation for responses mime types detection (based on unix magic.mime file)

Posted by Karel 2008-08-20

version 0.5.1 released !

GreasySpoon is a scripting engine running on top of an ICAP server. Inspired by Firefox GreaseMonkey extension, it allows developpers to focus on services logic by hidding ICAP layer and associated required skills.

GreasySpoon supports Java/javascript language per default, but can be easily extended with other scripting languages: Ruby, Python, AWK, Groovy, etc. Providing a web based interface, it tries to be as user-friendly as possible, while keeping an eye on performance that makes it usable from early prototyping stages up to production environment. ... read more

Posted by Karel 2008-03-24