
Gravetat / News: Recent posts

Progress Report

Sorry, but no important work has been done on this project lately. This doesn't mean the project is abandoned but unmaintained for a while. As stated in the latest news item, recent code can be found in CVS. A new release would imply a GUI complete rewriting, which is something I haven't time to do by now. However, if bugs are reported or ideas given, I'll be glad to hear about them.

Posted by Marc 2007-01-27

Progress Report

Now making Gravetat compatible with the recently relesed libPunts 3.3. This helped fixing a bug with autoconf in libPunts, so another version of the library will need to be released. Working code is already in the CVS repository at I'm also considering switching the GUI toolkit to Anjuta-Gtk+. User feedback about this would be appreciated.

Posted by Marc 2006-08-27

libPunts 3.3.2 released

libPunts is a Tiny 3D Rendering Engine.
This release fixes a bug with time handling in threads and gives some extra information on screen. All 3.3 series users are encouraged to upgrade.

Posted by Marc 2006-08-18

libPunts 3.3.1 released

libPunts is a Tiny 3D Rendering Engine.
This release fixes building problems with Win32 and includes a binary package built with X-MinGW.

Posted by Marc 2006-08-07

libPunts 3.3 released

libPunts is a Tiny 3D Rendering Engine.
This version is unstable due to many new code - and in fact a preview of 4.0. It is more C++ oriented, and has new features such as basic 2-D geometry, optional outlines in polygons and simple transparency. Camera movements should be more stable too. This release includes library+demo in a single package again.

Posted by Marc 2006-08-03

Progress Report

libPunts is in a transition mode. A major code cleanup to let libPunts use C++ instead of just C is in progress. Code is in a hybrid status now, but the main changes to API have already been done. I might make a pre-release soon, if I can fix polar coordinates in vectors, which have broken again. Furthermore, some new features were implemented too. This includes some 2-D geometry, optional outlines in polygons and (one) transparent color.

Posted by Marc 2006-07-26

libPunts 3.2 released

libPunts is a Tiny 3D Rendering Engine.
This project is changing to be more Linux-friendly. The current version adds support for autotools and internationalization. It also changes from static to shared.

Posted by Marc 2006-06-11

News are not new

If you haven't noticed yet, there's been a long time since I last submitted news here. Only code and bins are guaranteed to be up-to-date. For more recent news (which are usually posted a couple of weeks late) please visit

Posted by Marc 2004-10-29

libPuntsCPP - speed improvement

LibPuntsCPP - the Simple Independent 3D Rendering Engine - is now a bit more professional. It now uses Fullscreen and DIBs under Win32 and DGA under X11.

This makes the library a bit more other lib dependent (in the case of X11), but the main goal is still kept: no third party libs are required. I had to spend a couple of days designing a fast polygon draw algorithm and learning about DIBs and DGA. But the result is satisfactory.... read more

Posted by Marc 2004-08-06

PuntsCPP for UNIX systems

As I said in older news, I was planning to make a portable version of PuntsCPP. I hope it will work, if not please send a report.

Posted by Marc 2004-07-27

PuntsCPP Released

The C++ version of Punts2 has been released. This is the first step in porting the program to linux - at least this release works with wine -. It's notablly faster that the older version and ANSI-C compliant, just what was needed for integrating it to the main project (gravetat).

Posted by Marc 2004-07-16

What I forgot about Punts


<-, ->, ^, v, +(numpad), -(numpad) = move camera

A, D, S, W, Q, E = rotate camera

space = make movements in absolute coordinates (if you rotate 180 degrees around the Y-axis, then a relative left movement will really be an absolute right movement)

Yes, it was only that. PuntsCPP is coming, I only need to implement the Prisma and Sphere classes and I'll do the Win32 release. I'm also getting info about X11 and I hope to port the project soon.

Posted by Marc 2004-07-14

About Punts

This project is a maths practice. No 3D graphics library has been used, so it can be called an independent rendering engine. Now I'm translating it to C++ and then I'll port it to Linux. See the project releases in a few days.

Posted by Marc 2004-07-06

First Release

Gravetat has been released to the more-or-less-general public. It's a bit buggy but main features work. I hope 3D-version will come soon...

Posted by Marc 2004-05-18