
#1 XCode project for Intel native build attached


Untar this XCode project directory into the same level
as the "src" directory, then build to generate an Intel
binary which runs great (so far -- call it "Beta").


  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-04-26

    XCode project tarball.

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks Craig. I am happy to hear that building an Intel binary apparently
    does not require any changes to the source code.

    I will soon try build GrandPerspective using your project file on a friend's Mac
    (still a PowerPC, but with a more recent version of OS X than mine). That way,
    I hope to be able to release a first Universal Binary of the app (initially as beta)



  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    Having played with the binary a little more after posting
    this last night, it looks like I've actually found 2 issues
    with the intel version, both of which seem a little odd:

    1. The full color palette of 8 colors doesn't seem to be
      being used -- only green and blue are getting allocated for
      some reason. I need to spend a bit more time getting
      familiar with the structure of the code to figure out where
      it chooses a color to allocate to a file in order to debug
      this -- I'm unfamiliar enough with obj-c that it's not
      immediately obvious :)

    2. When resizing the window, sometimes all the rectangles
      "shear". Often they resize correctly to remain rectangular;
      again it's not immediately obvious where the layout of file
      rectangles within the window rectangle is done, but there's
      clearly something not right in that code.

  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-03

    Logged In: YES

    So, turns out that changes are needed for Intel. I've
    described them more fully in the "Feature requests" ticket
    on Universal binaries. Summary:

    The way colors were being poked into the raw bitmap doesn't
    work so good on intel, since byte-ordering of the colors is
    different. This is easily fixed by using bitmap methods to
    set pixels to a particular NSColor instead of storing an
    array of 32-bit color codes and poking them directly to
    addresses in the bitmap (which just assumes too much about
    how the bitmap is laid out in memory). Patchfile attached
    which does this, plus cleans up one or two other warning

    Caveat: this is the first Obj-C thing of any complexity I've
    really looked at, so I could well be doing something which
    is leaking memory all over the place. Worth having someone
    else look over the code once just to make sure I'm not doing
    something dumb. Works for me though :)

  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-03

    Patchfile to fix problems with GrandPerspective for intel compatibility

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-03

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your patch. Much appreciated. There is still a problem with it
    unfortunately, but first a few other comments (also in response to your more
    detailed message with RFE 1410140).

    1) The auto-release pools worked correctly as they were. The reason that you
    got a problem with the color array that you allocated being nuked is that you
    should have called "retain" directly after creating it, which prevents it from
    being auto-released. The problem with auto-releasing only when the thread
    terminates (as was done in your patch) is that all of the temporary objects
    that are created during the drawing are only freed when the thread
    terminates. The latter only happens when the window is closed, and many re-
    drawings of the tree may have happened before that, so you unnecessarily
    hang on to unneeded memory if you don't auto-release after each drawing

    2) I see you have a newer/better compiler than I do. I don't get any warnings
    when I compile, but the fixes you made to make warnings disappear at your
    end are all okay, and indeed improve the code.

    3) Okay, on to the heart of the patch. Getting it to run properly on Intel
    3a). Unfortunately, the setColor:atX:y: method you invoke on the bitmap was
    only added in OS X 10.4. It doesn't exist in the version of OS X that I have
    (10.3.9), so the patched code does not run on my machine. At the moment
    GrandPerspective requires OS X 10.2, and for now I like to stick to that (or at
    the very least, it should run on my own machine :-).
    3b). If possible, I like to keep the drawing code as fast as possible. For that
    reason I like the old drawing routines, which were more low level, better as I
    think they should run noticeably faster. Would you mind comparing the
    timings on your machine? The application is already logging the time it takes
    to draw the tree. You can see these logs, for instance, when you build and run
    in XCode. Would you mind running both the original code, and the code
    modified by you to find out if there is a difference?

    4) Given 3a) and 3b) I would like to try and see if there is a different way to
    change the code so that it runs on Intel.
    4a). I am attaching a patch, which I hope will solve the color issue. Would you
    mind applying it to the original 0.93 code to see if it indeed works?
    4b). You also reported a problem with "sheared" rectangles. I don't think the
    above patch fixes that. Can you confirm that the problem still exists? I haven't
    yet looked at the code to figure out what the cause is. If you could attach a
    screenshot where it shows what goes wrong, that could be useful. Obviously,
    feel free to have a go yourself.



  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-03

    Possibly fixes color problem (apply to 0.93)

  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-03

    Logged In: YES

    My numbering to match yours:

    1) Good to know about that "retain" method. I thought there
    likely was something like that which would work, but I
    couldn't find anything in my quick scan of the docs, plus at
    least for the calculateGradientColors function, there no
    longer were any temporary objects (since I stick all the
    NSColors into the array which survives anyway), so that
    wasn't an issue. And I figured "Well, how many temporary
    objects can there be per directory scan" for the thread
    thing. But your way is clearly the right way to do it.
    Presumably you need to retain each of the NSColors as well
    as the NSArray?

    2) There are a bunch of other warnings which I didn't fix --
    mostly unused parameters in function prototypes, the fact
    that y0 is a symbol defined in math.h which we're therefore
    shadowing, and a handful of "control reaches end of non-void
    function"s where you have a contructor which just asserts
    something which is always false (ie it'll throw an exception
    and never reach the end of the constructor anyway, but the
    compiler can't tell that about NSAssert). Nothing that
    reaches the level of "ought to be fixed" in the way that the
    added [super release] calls looked like they ought to be fixed.

    3) I'm guessing that when Apple did 10.4 they said "Hmm,
    with these bitmaps, we need to provide a cross-platform way
    of drawing on a bitmap which takes care of endian stuff for
    you". Timings:

    For both versions below, I'm scanning my home directory;

    248,075 files spread across a tree of 10,785 subdirectories.
    For both cases, I launched the app and chose the home
    directory, then after initial drawing, I clicked
    cmd-maximize to make the window redraw full-screen size.
    [craig@Pookah:~]$ time find . -type f | wc -l

    real 0m12.421s
    user 0m1.064s
    sys 0m3.616s

    First, PPC image from running under Rosetta


    2006-05-03 13:27:52.772 GrandPerspective[4419] Done
    scanning. Total size=23807715369, Time taken=27.079997
    2006-05-03 13:27:53.435 GrandPerspective[4419] Done drawing.
    Time taken=0.514033
    2006-05-03 13:27:57.757 GrandPerspective[4419] Done drawing.
    Time taken=1.067728

    Repeat with my compiled Intel binary using object-based

    bitmap drawing

    2006-05-03 13:28:43.955 GrandPerspective[4422] Done
    scanning. Total size=23807711483, Time taken=20.298965
    2006-05-03 13:28:44.364 GrandPerspective[4422] Done drawing.
    Time taken=0.343080
    2006-05-03 13:28:48.580 GrandPerspective[4422] Done drawing.
    Time taken=1.420453

    So it take a bit longer to draw in large size, quite a bit
    less time at "regular" size. But in all cases, the time
    spent scanning the disk is the slow step. I bet that using
    some higher-level drawing function than setting each pixel
    individually in the bitmap when using the object method (ie
    drawing lines at a time, or even I bet there's a "flood fill
    shaded rectangle" somewhere in the API) would immediately
    close the gap in the large-format drawing. At full screen,
    I'm likely blowing up the L2 cache when using the object
    method, but not when using the packed-array-of-32-bit colors
    approach. One neat thing to notice is that Rosetta is
    actually byte-swapping the bitmap pokes automagically.
    That's pretty darned cool if you think about it.

    4a) I thought of trying a simple byte-swapping solution like
    that but didn't go that way, because it seemed like the
    poke-pixels-into-the-bitmap solution was not likely the
    right approach; that it was micro-optimizing a problem which
    isn't the critical path time-wise in the application. And
    that moving to an object-based drawing system might actually
    end up being faster since it would make it easier to do
    higher-level drawing (like the flood-filled shaded rectangle
    type approach) which would let the apple graphics-drawing
    library wizkids worry about how to optimize blitting pixels
    onto the screen. I'll test your patch for sure, and let you
    know though how it works out. I'll also take a look through
    the APIs now that I've got the basic drawing stuff working,
    and look for that "flood fill a shaded rectangle" function
    which will I think then blow 1.5s out of the water :) After
    all, what is Quartz Extreme for if not to let you easily do
    "flood fill a shaded rectangle"? Heck, if I have to split
    the rectangles into 2 triangles, that'll work fine too.

    4b) The sheared rectangles thing seems to have gone away --
    not sure if it's because of the loop rewrite, or due to
    pointer arithmetic issues between PPC vs Intel when
    traversing the bitmap and/or color palette memory, but with
    my new loop code and the setColorAt stuff, it's just gone
    away. I'll see if it returns with your
    byte-swap-the-color-array patch; if so it's probably because
    pointer arithmetic doesn't necessarily port cleanly from CPU
    architecture to CPU architecture. In any case, moving to a
    "flood fill shaded rectangle" solution would obviate this
    issue too :)

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-03

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Craig,

    Still keeping the same numbering.

    1) When you add objects to an NSArray, the array "retains" them, so there is
    no need to retain the NSColors before putting them in the array (it would in
    fact be a memory leak).

    2) I agree, fixing the code to remove the remaining warnings does not really
    improve the code. On the other hand, it is nice to be able to compile without
    warnings (so that serious ones do catch your attention immediately).
    However, as the warnings don't appear when I compile, I keep things as they
    are for now.

    3) Even though the time scanning (typically) takes much longer than the
    drawing, I still think it is important to optimise the drawing code as well. The
    reason is that interactive exploration of the tree map (going up and down the
    tree) involves repeated redrawing of the tree. As this is interactive, it does
    make a difference if it takes a second or half a second. By the way, timings on
    my machine are as follows (different contents of the disk, so cannot directly
    compare obviously):
    2006-05-03 23:21:12.333 GrandPerspective[3889] Done scanning. Total
    size=21318728330, Time taken=90.005739
    2006-05-03 23:21:12.814 GrandPerspective[3889] ScanProgressPanelControl
    2006-05-03 23:21:12.878 GrandPerspective[3889] Done drawing. Time
    2006-05-03 23:21:19.607 GrandPerspective[3889] Done drawing. Time
    2006-05-03 23:22:15.212 GrandPerspective[3889] Done drawing. Time
    2006-05-03 23:24:03.767 GrandPerspective[3889] Done drawing. Time

    The first and second are of the drawing of the default sized window and the
    full-sized window respectively (similar to your timings). The third and fourth
    timings are also for generating the full-size image of my entire harddrive. So
    it's quicker the second and third time around. I'd guess because the
    application has claimed enough memory from the OS by now.

    4) Obviously, if there is a floodfill option in the API, that would be great.
    However, I would be a bit surprised if there is something that resembles that
    gradient drawing that is currently done. It would be nice though.

    I'd be interested to hear if my patch at least fixes the colouring issue. Also,
    let me know if the sheared rectangle problem persists. Then we can try to
    attack the problem from opposite ends (you from the high-level API, and I'll
    stick with the low level byte-poking for now).


  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-04

    Logged In: YES

    Your patch fixes the color problem, but the shearing problem
    is there. I suspect that it's something like the pointer
    arithmetic while walking through the bitmap data buffer is
    not quite right when you're using intel addressing instead
    of PPC addressing. On the plus side, it blazes for speed
    -- same directory as before, same normal size then maximize:

    2006-05-03 20:35:38.367 GrandPerspective[5621] Done
    scanning. Total size=23814880914, Time taken=19.773904
    2006-05-03 20:35:38.475 GrandPerspective[5621] Done drawing.
    Time taken=0.073623
    2006-05-03 20:35:42.950 GrandPerspective[5621] Done drawing.
    Time taken=0.146918

    My flood-fill-shaded-rectangle code is gonna have to be
    pretty good... (or at least not shear things)

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Craig,

    I think I know how to fix the shearing issue. Let me guess:

    • If you resize the window to an arbitrary size, the shearing happens about
      about half the time.
    • The entire image is sheared, not just individual rectangles.
    • The direction of the shearing is from bottom left to top right.

    I will attach a simple patch later today, which I think should fix it.
    Unfortunately, I don't have time for that just now. Must dash....

  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    Sounds about right. I didn't experiment enough to say 1/2
    -- my brief observation was that it was more like 1/4, but
    it might well be 1/2. Yes, it is the entire image.
    Direction is / not \ -- I was thinking probably struct
    alignment/packing or something like that.

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-05

    Possibly fixes color and shearing problem (apply to 0.93)

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Craig,

    I've attached a new patch, which hopefully fixes the colouring issue, as well
    as the shearing problem. It's called UntestedUnivBinary2.patch. It should be
    applied to the original 0.93 source code.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could give it a try, and let me know if it


  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    Yup, works great now:

    2006-05-05 11:26:28.036 GrandPerspective[9862] Done
    scanning. Total size=23761298528, Time taken=25.508179
    2006-05-05 11:26:28.223 GrandPerspective[9862] Done drawing.
    Time taken=0.082571
    2006-05-05 11:26:38.925 GrandPerspective[9862] Done drawing.
    Time taken=0.127371

  • Craig Hughes

    Craig Hughes - 2006-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    Oh, one thing which I forgot -- the "src" directory is
    missing a couple of files: the icon, Credits.rtf, some
    plists, and the English.proj subdirectory, iirc. I just
    copied them out of the downloadable .app, but the project
    file I attached originally references them and expects them
    to be there.

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2006-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Craig,

    Great to hear that after these patches GrandPerspective now appears to run
    okay on Intel as well. Thanks for your help with this.

    Soon I will try building a Universal Binary for GrandPerspective myself, on the
    machine of a friend. If that all goes well the new release should run natively
    on PPC as well as Intel. I am currently in the midst of adding a few new
    features to the app, so I am not entirely sure when the version 0.94 will be
    released, but it should be fairly soon.

    I am now closing this issue. Should you, however, discover other problems
    when running on Intel, just submit it as a new bug report.


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