
#16 Sorted layout

Next Release

I've used Sequoia View for my PCs for years. One of the design components it uses is to sort as it goes along, from largest to smallest.

As an example, if I am looking at my complete hard drive, the largest folder (probably USER) would show in the top left corner. The next smaller folder would be just below that, with the next smaller folder below that, etc. until the column is full, making it easy to see exactly which folder(s) eat the most space. Sorting is done recursively so that the largest space-hog within each folder is again at the top left of its space.

The advantage of this arrangement is that my space hogs are in the upper left corner of my screen, making it easier for me to drill down and attach problem areas.


  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2007-04-11

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Thanks for the suggestion. Although I can definitely see how that functionality like that can be useful, I am somewhat hesitant to add it. The reason is that I would like to keep the application lightweight and focussed around the treemap view. This should help to keep the interface simple and intuitive. For example, using coloring by "Top Folder" already helps you to recursively home into the larger folders. As broadly speaking, the requested functionality would provide a different way of achieving the same, but at the expense of using a different interaction paradigm and requiring extra space on screen, I'd prefer to stick with the treemap view approach.


  • Panayotis Katsaloulis

    Sorted list has also a very interesting feature, which is missing from this, otherwise very nice, program.
    By sorting directories you can also find directories with many-many small files.

    The current approach is to find big files in the directory structure. There is a need to find directories full with small files, which at the end of the day occupy a lot of space.

    Of course you can simulate this feature by using Focus and Color by Folder, but still the user experience then is limited.

    Please reconsider adding this feature at a future version of your program :)

  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2022-01-18
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Next Release


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