
GrandPerspective Screen goes blank

Ben Dunn
  • Ben Dunn

    Ben Dunn - 2012-07-16

    Hi there,

    I'm running Lion in an MBA and now when I run GrandPerspective, the screen
    just presents me with one orange block which is supposed to represent an
    'apple cache' so its not telling me anything about the content of my hard
    drive. Is this a Lion bug or is there something I'm doing wrong ?



  • Erwin Bonsma

    Erwin Bonsma - 2012-07-16

    Hi Ben,

    I am not sure what is up. Which folder do you scan, your home directory, or
    your entire hard drive, or something else?

    You can try saving the Scan Data, and view the contents in a text editor (it
    is just XML). It should contain an entry for each file in the folder that is
    scanned. Is that the case?



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