
Simulate Multi Track

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    First of all, thanks for your great job! Currently the program only able to simulate single track, anyway to simulate multiple track data? To temporary fixed this, multiple gpsfeed is running to simulate multiple track.

    2nd question is, how to auto start the gpsfeed from the command prompt? the documentation doesn't have any command argument description.

    Finally, i found that the checksum data from gpsfeed is different than actual gps device, for gpsfeed i formatted as 1 character hexadecimal whereas the actual gps device i formatted with 2 characters hexadecimal. Please advice.


    • dzach

      dzach - 2007-06-26

      and thank you for your input.

      1) The program does not provide for multiple tracks simulation. I also use multiple instances of gpsfeed+ for this task.

      2) There is no provision for command line options. You can modify the configuration file gpsfeed+.cfg with a text editor to your requirements before starting gpsfeed+ from a command line (with no arguments).

      3) You are right. The checksum is correct, but hex numbers less than 16(dec) are shown with a single digit (e.g. '0F' is shown as 'F'). This will be corrected. In the mean time, if you are using the TCL source (and not the windows gpsfeed+.exe) you could replace the 'makeChksum' procedure with the following one, which corrects the problem.

      proc makeChksum {line} {
          set xor 0
          foreach char [split $line ""] {
              binary scan $char "c" dec
              set xor [expr {$xor ^ $dec}]
          return [format %02X $xor]



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