
#30 Right click on satellite to add the track


It would be nice if we could right click on the list view and right click on a satellite to add/quit the track on the map. Today it is not easy to click on the small point that represent the satellite.
Maybe doubleclicking on the satellite footprint could be also a good place to activate/deactivate the track line. Only if footprints are not overlapping.

Thank you for GPredict and keep coding!


  • Charles Suprin

    Charles Suprin - 2011-02-12

    It would also be useful for when two satellites are on top of each other. It also is cool for transparency and other parameters and for polar view.

    Certainly this is worth thinking about.

  • Alexandru Csete

    Alexandru Csete - 2011-02-12

    Note that one can also click on the text labels not just the small squares and it works also when the square and/or label is covered by the footprint of another satellite.

  • Charles Suprin

    Charles Suprin - 2011-02-13

    In some cases the two satellites are nearly on top of each other. In those cases it is difficult to tell which box and which text goes with which satellite. Also there are times when they are buried many deep.

    I run into these problems when dealing with the GPS, Iridium, and Intelsat constellations.

  • Alexandru Csete

    Alexandru Csete - 2011-02-13

    If there is a real problem with clicking on satellites on the map view, then it should be fixed in the map view - not in the list (or any other) view. This could be making the footprints sensitive or adding a map popup that allow selecting satellites, or something else.

    When you run into these problems with GPS and Iridium satellites, how many satellites are we talking about? The map view was never intended for many satellites and if the objective is to view some coverage or similar it can be done much better and more efficiently than with the current map. We are not limited to the views we have.

  • Patrick Strasser

    I see the same demand like Charles and the OP. Selecting a satellite is helpfull when watching several satellites in parallel and concentrating one one on particular.

    How about a common menu for all views? For example
    show info
    current pass
    next pass
    track on map
    track on polar view

    Then the user would be more flexible.
    This would not restrain anyone from improving the satellite picking functionality in the map view.

    Of course the map view is not so important, you can easily live without it, but it's very nice to look at and a great help to imagination and to estimate the upcomming passes.

  • Alexandru Csete

    Alexandru Csete - 2011-05-01

    I made an attempt at adding a "global selection" via the module menu that should help in situations where one satellite is covered by another. Screenshot:
    When selecting a satellite via this menu all views in the module will be instructed to show that satellite as the selected one. It works well except for the polar view for which selection only makes sense for satellites that are within range. This was a design choice and fixing it will require more significant changes (shouldn't be a big deal to fix it though).

  • Charles Suprin

    Charles Suprin - 2011-10-02

    I am adding a picture to motivate this. It was taken with my Amateur module that includes Arissat-1.

  • Charles Suprin

    Charles Suprin - 2011-10-02

    Amateur module with two satellites right on top of each other.

  • Alexandru Csete

    Alexandru Csete - 2011-10-02

    Hi Charles,
    If you make the map small enough all satellites will be on top of each other ;-)

  • Charles Suprin

    Charles Suprin - 2011-10-02


    The same thing happened on my eee pc and my 22 inch screen desktop. Unfortunately, the 250 kilobyte limit on sourceforge for files only let's me post my eee pc.

    I can send the larger version if you like.



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