

  • Jeremy

    Jeremy - 2010-03-05


    First of all, I would just like to say that a GPO for Firefox Add-On is a brilliant idea.  I had intended on building my own, if one was not already built/being built.

    I'm curious about the status of this project.  The reason for the inquiry is because there doesn't appear to be any source code available, and the Add-On simply does not do… anything…

    I've installed the add-on (Of course), and setup the included administrative template.  As a test, I decided to configure the home page, so I set it to "".  However, upon closing and reopening Firefox, that preference was not modified.  I also tested several other preferences, same results.  The registry settings are being written correctly, so it appears to be an issue with the internal workings of the add-on.

    I'd appreciate any help you could give me on this matter.  Also, if there is any source code available, where might I find it?

    Thank you,

  • killerxcana

    killerxcana - 2010-03-07

    Hello, there was a bug in my addon that prevent it to work correctly unless you add set settings for all types of preferences, machine, user, locked, unlocked.

    I have corrected this in last version of the extension 0.7

    Regarding source code the .xpi file is only a zip, so you can unzip this to see the code.

    inside the unzipped extension you will find a content folder. inside this there is a .jar file. This is another zipped file. If you unzip this you will find the extension real source code.

    You can find information on Firefox extension structure and development guide on following link

    I have uploaded new extension version with correction as well as a new version of firefox.adm.

    You can also follow up this extension at the following address


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