
Micro-windows instead of X?

  • Tjize

    Tjize - 2005-07-20

    In advance i would like to apologise for my lack of technical knowledge.

    I am a student of industrial design and i need to find a flash player to work on a gumstix (ARM proc) board running lunix with the micro-windows lib for a product prototype for my gaduation project.

    Is there anyway to get GPLflash to run on this system without X-windows or could any of you point me in the direction of another solution, many thanks in advance.

    • Florian Delizy

      Florian Delizy - 2005-07-20

      If you refer to the NanoX (micro windows) home page, you'll see that nanox allow program compiled for X to run directly without recompiling, so, normally yes.

      Your problems are that GPLFlash had only been tested on Mac and IA32/64 architecture, so it may or may not run on ARM and that secondly, GPLFLash (at least version 2) uses OpenGL Shaders or software rendering, so if you try to use GPLFlash2 on this embedded system, and if it runs, that might run slowly

      So you should try recompiling for ARM architecture and see ... good luck, and let us know if it worked :)


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