
GPGrelay 0.950 released!

Version 0.950 ; release-date: 2004-May-21

* GPGrelay:
o Default-Inline-Profiles now have the "don't touch attachment" turned off
o There is now also a tooltip for the "don't touch attachment"
o Keyring-Load on startup is now working properly again! (used to create keyrules for keys
in keyring twice, which caused the "Profile for new Key"-Feature to be disabled).
o Show-PhotoID is now also working with 16bit-display-depth
o Decrypt/Verify Clipboard does now try to handle quoted email-text before failing...
o Some mysterious regular crashes (Win2K, SP4) solved (WM_SOCKET_NOTIFY is sent
after WM_SOCKET_DEAD for CSockets)
o If GPGrelay detects many missing keys, the keyrules aren't deleted automatically from
the registry (you have to confirm manually)
o Passphrase-Verify does now work again if no primary-secret-key is available
o Sign content from clipboard is now using preferred sign-key from the keyrule of the
primary UserID of the Secret Key (this also solves the "no primary-secret-key"-issue
o Copy Log to Clipboard is now working again (Owner-Drawn Listbox but was still
referenced as CListBox...)
o GPGrelay is now doing the "gpg --check-trustdb" properly when reloading keys
o Added convenience-function to export settings to a .reg-File (the Save/Restore Settings
only write/read data to the registry, and this "Export Settings" will ease backup of the
settings a bit) To import simply doubleclick the resulting .reg-File
o Also a new commandline-option added: --autoexportsettings "filename.reg"
o Gen-Key/Add Subkey is now properly working with GPG 1.2.4
o Bugfix: Deleting the UserID that is currently edited in the keyrule-dialog caused
GPGrelay to crash.
o It's now also possible to bind GPGrelay to a real IP-Address instead of only localhost;
this has alot of security issues coming along with, so I don't recommend using it unless
you really know what you're up to; see readme.txt for details!

o Fixed a bug with Keyrule-Selection when sending a mail to multiple user via to, cc and
bcc (thanks to Chupakabra)
o GPGrelay failed with a special variant of AUTH LOGIN, so this is now working too

* POP3:
o Added machine-readable status-fields to received mails:
X-GPGrelay-GoodSig: <long keyid> <username>
X-GPGrelay-BadSig: <long keyid> <username>
X-GPGrelay-EncTo: <long keyid> <keytype> <keylength>
These fields are filled with whatever GPG emits for Status-FD, they might be issues
multiple times...
o Also any incoming X-GPGrelay-Headerfield is tagged as a X-GPGrelay-Fake-Warning-
o These Fake-Warnings also modify the subject-line (see Registry
"FakeWarningModifySubject" to turn this off).
Don't expect too much "Fake-Detection" with this mechanism; but it may help if your
email-client can support subject-coloring or similar things concerning the machine-
readable-status-fields mentioned above.
o Fewer incorrectly added empty lines to outgoing/incoming mails
o The "Received:"-Entry added by GPGrelay to the incoming mail is now an "X-GPGrelay-
Received:", so it doesn't interfere with common MTA-Semantics anymore.
Nevertheless, you have to check for it's existance at the first line of received mail (only
some X-GPGrelay-Keep-Alive-Lines are allowed to be shown before) to have some hint
that GPGrelay was issuing the X-GPGrelay-Headers (Obviously: No fake-detection when
bypassing GPGrelay)...
o Found a bug which allowed special mails to stop GPGrelay-Relays (crash a relay-thread
but doesn't bring down GPGrelay itself)
o First Part of a Multipart is now also decrypted when received

o There is nothing I'll do here ... who is willing to care for IMAP-code?

Posted by Andreas John 2004-05-21

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