
Dash.js 1.1 compatibility

  • Tommy Atkinson

    Tommy Atkinson - 2014-02-05


    The development version of dash.js cannot play DashCast streams, apparently the mpd file created by DashCast is not correct. Here is their comment:

    "The mpd has only one period and the period does not specify the @Start attribute. Therefore the period does not match any definition of a ‘Regular Period’ in the spec and thus DashManifestExtensions.getRegularPeriods returns an empty array."

    Can this be fixed in DashCast?

  • Greg Rutz

    Greg Rutz - 2014-02-05

    dash.js is the reference implementation for the DASH-AVC/264 guidelines published by the Dash Industry Forum. These guidelines define a subset of the DASH spec to encourage adoption and interoperability. So, DashCast is probably producing DASH that is compliant with the original DASH spec, but not with DASH-AVC/264.

    I have also identified several problems with MP4Box related to producing DASH-AVC/264-compliant content. The solution, IMO, is to suggest a new command-line option to GPAC tools that will make generated content adhere to DASH-AVC/264 (which involves much more than the few problems you and I have identified).


  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2014-02-14

    &tommy: period @start is now set

    @greg: we'd be interested in the non-conformance points to DASH-AVC/264 you found in MP4Box, that would help us a lot to fix this asap

    • Greg Rutz

      Greg Rutz - 2014-02-14

      I apologize that I said "several problems" in my previous post, because right now, I can only think of one :) I will create bugs in the ticket list if I go back through my notes and find more.

      DASH-AVC/264 requires ContentProtection elements to be at the AdapationSet level only. Currently MP4Box adds these elements at the Representation level.

    • Francesc Pinyol Margalef

      MP4Client is not able to play a stream referenced in
      as "DASH-AVC/264 test vector 1b - Thomson":

      Using GPAC svn r5082, ffmpeg 2.1.3, on Linux Mageia 4.


  • Romain

    Romain - 2014-03-11


    I have newly installed Gpac from source and want to use Dashcast with dash-if (1.1.1). I can read my live stream with MP4Client but dash player seems to have trouble with buffering. I am aware that this feature is in progress from dash side but do you know a working version that support dashcast stream?


  • Tommy Atkinson

    Tommy Atkinson - 2014-03-20

    Here's our command line, this works with current DashCast from svn and dash.js 1.1.2

    DashCast -vf x11grab -vres 1024x768 -vfr 25 -v :0.0 -seg-dur 2000 -live -npts -time-shift 10 -mpd-refresh 2