
Is it possible to redirect the mp4client video output to an output video card

A. Buisson
  • A. Buisson

    A. Buisson - 2014-05-07

    Hi, I'm using GPAC and mp4client on a PC to decode video but can I redirect the decoded video frame to an output video card/device like a BlackMagic card to send the video on a TV through an HDMI link.

    Have an idea on how I could achieve that ?
    Thanks, Alex.

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2014-05-07

    GPAC is modular. The output module is chosen at runtime among a list of available modules for your specific build, platform, etc..

    The list of output modules available is in modules/. Look for names suffixed with '_out'.

    The module actually used is listed in your GPAC configuration file (its location is displayed when launching MP4Client). In the [Video] section, DriverName value.

    You can force the module you want to use when launching MP4Client with the '-opt' option.

    To build an output module, implement the GF_VideoOutput interface. You can read more in include/gpac/modules/video_out.h .

    Please ask if you have any question. Any contribution or feedback on the GPAC codebase is welcome.