
#316 tar file 'gpac_extra_libs-0.5.0.tar.gz' is corrupt

v1.0 (example)

$ gunzip < ~/downloads/gpac_extra_libs-0.5.0.tar.gz | tar -xpf - >/dev/null; echo $?
tar: Archive contains ‘sTest1.v’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘st1/Buff’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ttpClien’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ttpServe’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘est1.vcp’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sagesTes’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sagesTes’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ig.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingBuffe’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ngsTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘adsTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘Settings’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘G.h0444’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ASE.h44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.xml444’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ject.pbx’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sTest1.v’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘st1/Buff’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t2.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ttpClien’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ttpServe’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘est1.vcp’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingTest2’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sagesTes’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sagesTes’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cxproj4’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ig.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘est1.vcp’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingBuffe’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ngsTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘adsTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sTest1.v’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘st1/Buff’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t2.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ttpClien’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ttpServe’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘est1.vcp’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingTest2’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sagesTes’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘sagesTes’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cxproj4’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ig.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘cproj44’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘est1.vcp’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ingBuffe’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ngsTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘adsTest1’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘t1.vcpro’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘.vcproj’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘chBrowse’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘chBrowse’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘chBrowse’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘j/projec’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘ch00444’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘CWSettin’ where numeric mode_t value expected
tar: Skipping to next header
tar: A lone zero block at 484849
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Your project tar file is unusable.


  • Jason

    Jason - 2014-06-23

    $ sha1sum ~/downloads/gpac_extra_libs-0.5.0.tar.gz
    af0dcb94556260791330984298e22a818c47160f /home/jvd/downloads/gpac_extra_libs-0.5.0.tar.gz

    I downloaded it twice.

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2014-07-02

    I confirm there is an issue. Thanks for reporting.

  • Jason

    Jason - 2014-07-08

    Any update on when a usable gpac-0.5.0 tar file might be available?
    Or if this is not possible, how I can check out the 0.5.0 release from SVN ?
    I can check out the trunk from SVN, but I need to build & install
    the latest stable release. A tar file would be preferred.

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2014-07-08

    Hi Jason,

    We've been discussing this. We'll fix it later. As a workaround, I can suggest that you take the zip file (which ha the same content) and execute 'chmod +x -R .' to give execution permission on all files.



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