
Preference not stored

  • Thomas Smekal

    Thomas Smekal - 2009-12-16

    In the Linux version, the preference "Automatically start on login" in the General tab is not stored in .googlesystrayrc and as a consequence the application does not start on login.
    Are there any plans to make this work, Jim?

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-16

    It's not intended to be stored in .googsystrayrc, as there would be no point to that (.googsystrayrc isn't read until googsystray is started…)  Checking/unchecking that option should (on Linux systems) create/remove a file in .config/autostart/ . 

    Unfortunately, it depends on A> googsystray.desktop being installed in a particular spot, namely /usr/share/applications/, and B> you using a WM/DE that obeys the contents of the .config/autostart directory.  If A> is the problem I can probably fix it… I was intending to write the file directly as opposed to copying it from somewhere, haven't gotten around to that.  If B> is why you're failing, there's not much I can do, unfortunately that's about as close it comes to a 'universal' way to autostart apps on login.

  • Thomas Smekal

    Thomas Smekal - 2009-12-16

    Thanks Jim, you are naturally right about .goosystrayrc
    In the meantime I added ~/.config/autostart/googsystray.desktop which is how (at least in Ubuntu) applications can be started after I log in.


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