
#74 Crashes on Destination Dialer dropdown selection


Right-click on phone icon in sys tray, select Make phone from context, type the first 3 letters of a contact, select the contact, select the drop down for Phone to Dial. Cannot select any numbers and cannot close the window.

Windows XP with latest SP


  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-12-22

    I can't seem to reproduce this, but I had some other problems with phone calls as well that needed to be fixed, so it may be related.. Do you have any phones connected to GV that are of a strange type? I'm in the process of putting an XP VM on my laptop (I'm out of town right now) so I can check to see if it's a Windows thing.

  • Angelo Motta

    Angelo Motta - 2010-12-23

    Not really... I have a personal land-line, mobile phone, SIP Gate, and 2 business land lines. A grey box where the phone listing should be appears in the middle of the screen and won't go away unless I kill the googsystray.exe. Also note that this problem started happening when I upgraded to 1.3 and 1.3.1

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-12-23

    Do any of those phones have strange names or something? Any unicode characters in the names, or anything like that?

  • Angelo Motta

    Angelo Motta - 2010-12-23

    Nope. All standard characters. No spaces either.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-12-23

    Hrm, I can reproduce not being able to select any contacts (that's fixed in SVN) but I can't seem to reproduce any sort of lockup. Is there anything in the error log files? Should be in :\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\ on XP... googsystray.err.log and googsystray.out.log or something of the sort.

  • Angelo Motta

    Angelo Motta - 2010-12-23

    I have both files on that location but they are 0 byte and contain no data.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-12-25

    Can you try the nightlies @ ? I fixed some stuff in the call dialog, although I'm not positive it'll fix your problem exactly.

  • Angelo Motta

    Angelo Motta - 2010-12-26

    actually worse... when i start typing the name of a contact, the window drops out. No freezing but definitely not usable. Same reaction when I mouse over the window sometimes. Window just disappears


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