
#34 Blank Incoming SMS Popup Text


I archive all texts from 1 google contact [Person A]. Everyone else's texts I delete after they have run their course.

As of 2 days ago, all incoming texts from Person A are showing up with the contact information but no message text. Going to Google Voice via Chrome displays everything normally. All incoming texts from other contacts, as well as unknown #s are displaying normally.

I tried removing the contact entirely and still the same problem.


  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-06-21

    I'm releasing 1.2.0 here shortly. Let me know if it helps?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-28

    Thanks for the response Jim. I was looking at giving it a week and here's what I have:

    The issue happens on both linux and windows.
    When first installing 1.2.0 it seemed to correct the issue for a night, then it began happening again...though intermittently this time.

    Today I received several blank SMS messages from the same contact as indicated in the original bug report. Just now I received a blank SMS. I responded through GMail (via Thunderbird) and now the new SMS messages from the same person are showing up. At present time it says ,"25 more messages" in the middle of the dialog which is consistent with GV web page shows.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-28

    Immediately after filing the bug update:

    8:42 - Receive blank SMS response notification via googsystray
    8:42 - View SMS and reply via GMail in Thunderbird
    8:44 - Receive SMS response notification displaying updated text via googsystray
    8:44 - Receive 2nd SMS notification displaying text via googsystray

    Both texts were from the same google contact I've been referring to all along as well.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-30

    Tonight googsystray is back to displaying blank SMS messages from the contact referenced.

    Reply to blank SMS via Thunderbird
    Receive a new SMS message with an audio notification from googsystray
    Click icon in system tray to view popup...and it is blank.

    I logged in to GV in Firefox and all messages show properly, there are 8 more apparently so this is not a particularly long exchange.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-08

    I used googsystray to send an SMS.
    The reply came through properly and displaying in the popup.
    I responded via the popup.
    The response came back blank.

    The blank response is not just the latest message, all 3 preceding messages (2 from me) did not show up at all once again.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2015-09-14
  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-07-14

    Man, I cannot seem to reproduce this. Does this contact you're having trouble with have any strange characters in their name or often in their texts? (e.g. anything that's not a normal English character)? It might be a unicode issue.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-08-23

    Releasing 1.2.1 today, but I doubt it fixes this. Really want to close this one :) Is there anything in the error/out logs? (should be in /tmp/googsystray-<username> on Linux)?

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-09-16

    I think I've figured it out. When you respond via thunderbird it may be including HTML in the message somehow. It appears that '<' or '>' in a message will cause problems.


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