
#23 Gmail freq change causes crash


When you change the "Check frequency" and click "OK," googsystray crashes. I am using Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and using one account. I'm not sure what else you need to know, but there you go. It says "Not Responding" but doesn't resolve after a long (~30min) period of time.

Great program otherwise, though! I applaud thee.


  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-24

    Eh, I didn't attach an error log file because of the two in my appdata folder, neither have any size and so sourceforge won't let me upload it :(.

    Maybe I installed it incorrectly? It works otherwise.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-24

    Hrm, weird. I'll take a look. You're using version 1.1.4?

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-24

    Yeah, I just downloaded it. I was using Growl before, but I hate all those little icons cluttering the perfection that is my desktop ;).

    I'm going to try reinstalling/redownloading for now. Thanks for being so quick!

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-24

    I can't seem to reproduce this. If you change anything else, does it crash? Or is it just if you change the check frequency?

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-24

    Good question. I redownloaded and reinstalled the program and, lo and behold, it looks like I can't change anything without it crashing except for the initial account.

    How do I get it to produce a real error log? Do I just leave it "Not Responding" till something happens on it's own?

    Again, thanks for the help.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-26

    Can you attach a copy of your configuration file (You'll probably want to edit out the username and passwords)? It's in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\googsystray.ini

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-26

    Hrm, I'm seeing a similar condition too but only when running from the installer (the 'run googsystray' check box)... not sure yet what's causing it.

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-26

    Right, I'll attach the copy :)

    I see what you mean about running from the installer. I'll reinstall without running from the installer initially and see if that helps, though I closed it when it crashed and reran it.

    Also, have you thought about implementing push? Just a suggestion, though I guess that would go in "feature requests." Thanks so much for your help!

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-26
  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-26

    I'll take a look and see if I can't reproduce it with that config file. As far as push goes, I think I could get it to work w/gmail via IMAP, but all the other services, there's no way to do it as far as I can tell.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-26

    Hrm... that config works fine for me. Is there anything about your setup (network proxy, or installation directory in a different spot, or anything you can think of) that is strange?

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-27

    None that I can think of. I'm using the exe installer, though I doubt that has anything to do with the problem.

    I just reinstalled it, and I found that I could change the frequency before I setup an account, and it will work. However, if I click "OK" at any time, it crashes. Maybe it has to do with the "OK" button. Does it just save to the configuration file? Also, can I manually change the config file?

    C:\Program Files (x86)\googsystray is my install directory, so there is no real change from normal. I just run the executable and hit next it's done.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-27

    Yeah, 'OK' should just save the config file and restart the software. I wonder if it's a 64-bit issue (I'm testing w/32 bit here), and it's strange that it freezes instad of actually crashing (which would pop up an error message that would be helpful :) I think I can borrow a friend's laptop w/win 7-64 and see if that can't reproduce it.

    Are there any strange characters in your password, username, ,account name, Windows username? (Foreign characters)?

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-27

    There's an asterisk in my password, but the rest is all alphanumeric. I could change my password and see if it works then? I think it's a 64-bit issue, but I wouldn't know why.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-27

    I think I've got a handle as to what might be happening.

    Try: -- It won't fix the problem but it might pop up an error that helps.

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-01-27

    Nope, no error message. It just froze like last time. This is super weird. What are the conditions for an error message to pop up?

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-27

    Okay... What happens when you _just_ run 'Googsystray Settings'? Can you save stuff OK or does it still lock up?

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-03-15

    Has this resolved? I'm looking to close old bugs.

  • Felix

    Felix - 2010-03-17

    Yeah, go ahead. It's not fixed as far as I know, but I'll live.


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