
Dictionary framework / News: Recent posts

mydict-qt is release 0.4.2 (pre 1.0.0 version)

Now it is quite stable and easy to install (compare to gtk version)
1. Install Qt4.0
2. Install stardict dictionary (recommend dictd_www.dict.org_wn )
3. rpm -Uvh --nodeps mydict-qt-*.rpm
4. /usr/local/bin/mydict-qt

Posted by Larry 2005-08-13

mydict support stardict dictionary

now mydict client Qt version embed stardict plugin, only one package is needed, and you can use stardict dictioanries directly, thanks the help from the author of

Posted by Larry 2005-08-07

mydict client Qt version is availble

I rewrite it in Qt 4.0 with better design, try it and give me comments

Posted by Larry 2005-07-16

gnudict release 0.5.1

New version support
1. Easy Recite Words ( )
2. I18N ,chinese platform
3. Plugin tech to connect Babylon and DICT

========== QUICK INSTALL ====================
Please download packages from


Step by step
>>>>>>>>>>>>>... read more

Posted by Larry 2002-10-16

gnuDict "我的字典" 发布 0.5.1 版本.

*支持轻轻松松背单词 (.gds)
*I18N 中文支持
插件技术支持Babylon字典,DICT... read more

Posted by Larry 2002-10-16

gnuDict 0.3.1 framework released

I released mydict -client gtk version and several plugins which connect to DICT and babylon local database.

it is beta version. welcome for testing, see homepage for HOWTO

Posted by Larry 2002-08-26

gnuDict can use DICT server

the mydict-plugins0.2.4 package include the dict plugin which can connect to DICT servers (beta version).

the homepage is updated also, more information about web dictionary

Posted by Larry 2002-08-08

gnuDict add 4 dictionaries

Now in the dict package , there exist four dictionaries.
2 English-Chinese dictionaries.
1 English-English dictionary
1 PinYin (Chinese-English) dictionary

Posted by Larry 2002-08-06

gnuDict framework is first released

Now you can use it in reality: 2002.8.2 larry <>


Step by step:
1. compile the client mydict-0.2.2.tar.gz
gmake install

2. prepare env.
mkdir -p ~/.mydict/plugins

3. compile the plugins mydict-plugins-0.2.2.tar.gz
cd demo;
gmake install
cd ndict
gmake install... read more

Posted by Larry 2002-08-03

gnuDict plugin interface is defined

With the defined interface, you are able to create your own plugins , check with demo to see how it works.
Don't forget use mydict client to see how it coworks.

Try it and give me comments

Posted by Larry 2002-08-01

First Release

Now some packages are released , you can see the real one after you compiled it.
It should be compiled succesful under Linux/Solaris GCC platform

Posted by Larry 2002-07-30