
#1 A beta or alpha client for macosx



I'd love to use the gnucula codec. But I'd need a client,
which runs at least for 2h and works (I don't have
problems with interface glitches, but the core needs to


  • clayton rollins

    clayton rollins - 2004-01-24

    Logged In: YES


    Sorry for not responding earlier. I rarely check these
    trackers, as they're usually empty.

    I hate to bring you bad news, but it is unlikely that
    there will ever be a client for mac produced by this
    project. (or any client, for that matter.) This project is
    solely concerned with porting gnucDNA *nix systems. Though
    functionality should be similar on mac osx, this is only a
    library, which others could then use to write their

    There are a number of options open to mac users, however. is down, but used to
    be a really good site for information. Three options I can
    think of:
    1) use mactella. (As far as I know, the code is old and
    unsupported, but it may work.)
    2) use a java based client. (Slow, but they should work.)
    3) Compile and use gtk-gnutella. (This one will take a bit
    of learning, but will get you the best client possible at

    Compiling gtk-g will require installing gtk 1 or 2 and
    glib libraries (and a few others, if you need
    internationaliztion). You'll also want to install libxml
    version 2.5, as it uses that for persisting searches and
    filters, and zlib for stream compression. (You may already
    have some of these; I don't know mac very well.)

    Once you have the required lib.s, compiling is easy. run
    the Configure script then run 'make install' to install
    it. Though Configure will ask you a _lot_ of questions you
    won't know the answer to, accepting the defaults will work
    most places. As far as I know, the only thing you must
    specify is to use *.dynlib files and not *.so. (The
    question is something like, "what extension for shared
    object libraries?".)

    Well, I wish you luck getting a working client (btw,
    uptimes of 50 days have been reported with gtk-gnutella).
    I'll leave this tracker item open as a reminder to myself
    and future dev.s, as this is something that has been
    requested a lot; maybe someone will create an interface
    for mac at some point...


    PS. if you need help installing gtk-g, log into and join #gtk-gnutella. (They/we would be
    happy to talk you through it.)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    *.dynlib files and not *.so

    I will see, if that gets me running. Thanks!


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