
GNU-Darwin Distribution / News: Recent posts

Revamped 1.0 packages directories
This might fix pkg_add -R.
More to come, as always. The source will be with you always. Free is a verb!

Posted by proclus realm 2010-03-21

Thank you SourceForge and many others too! Many thanks to the SourceForge site, without which there would likely be no GNU-Darwin at all. Here is a link to the old GNU-Darwin site on SourceForge, now improved with additional links to the people and organizations who helped us grow. Many thanks to you all.

Posted by proclus realm 2010-03-20

GNU-Darwin prehistory

Those who have not been following GNU-Darwin since before the beginning might be interested in this little bit of pre-history.

Before GNU-Darwin started, I began posting tidbits and code snippets to my home page site. As I recall, I managed to get Mozilla to build, but it would not run at the time. X11 Mozilla only became available for Darwin users much later.


Posted by proclus realm 2010-03-19

Facebook censors GNU-Darwin founder?
WRT facebook, My public search listing is not public, even though I have followed the instructions to make it public, which I found here.!/help/?search=public%20search%20listing

Anyone smell a rat? At any rate, these instructions are obviously faulty.


Michael L. Love Ph.D
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street
Room 608B WBSB
Baltimore MD 21205-2185... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2010-03-16

GNU-Darwin Action: winter bicycler

Some of you know that I consider bicycle commuting to be not only a healthful and beneficial activity, but it is also a fundamental component of my anti-war action and boycott of adverse US corporations. The oil companies and automobile related industries are certainly arguably the most adverse of all. This is why I am heartened that a couple of winter and urban bicycling articles that I have written have been well received, and so I though that many of you would also be interested in them. Hope that you like them.... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2010-02-09

GNU-Darwin Action: parsley an antidiarrheal

Diarrhea is a frequently problem for those who undertake supplementation and vegetarian-style regimens. On the other hand, what for some of us is a minor inconvenience or annoyance can become life-threatening in some parts of the world where there are complicating issues. It is a real problem, which is larger than some of us think, and the dehydration resulting from diarrhea may be dangerous for those who are using supplements as well. First advice is drink plenty of water if you are using supplements. It should be noted that water shock can be fatal in severe cases.... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2010-01-19

GNU-Darwin Action: another health care reform message
I remain opposed to mandatory insurance, as ever, period. Moreover, I would like to point out that mandatory insurance gives far too much power to the insurance companies, and they can expect a huge backlash of onerous regulations. Rightly so. Even socialized medicine is preferable to this.

Posted by proclus realm 2010-01-10

proclus supplements: Vitacost

Many people ask me about my supplement program. I get most of my supplements at Vitacost, which provides high quality information and supplements at a reasonable price. The Vitacost/NSI board is staffed by MDs, and it can be expected that they are doing as advertised. If so, then they truly have an exceptional quality product. If you would like more details, please feel free to ask.... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-12-18

GNU-Darwin Action: Molecules activism

Although the main MOD has not received an update for some time, ample
work has been going on behind the scenes, and we have developed a number
of fine galleries, which rise almost to MOD status. Under the aegis of
The GNU-Darwin Distribution, the Molecules site also maintains an
activist component to its mission. The latest example of these two
factors in action is the beta sitosterol gallery, which again
demonstrates how we can publish and link on a particular molecule of
interest. ... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-12-01

GNU-Darwin Action: beta sitosterol

Beta sitosterol is reportedly an aromatase inhibitor, which is readily available from plant sources, notably saw palmetto and nettle root. Beta sitosterol is in the class of phyto-estrogens, but it has been demonstrated to modulate the production of estradiol, the primary human estrogen molecule. For these reasons, the herbs are sometimes taken for the purposes of body building, and the prevention of balding and breast cancer. I am not sure that these uses receive full support from the scientific liturature at this time, although aromatase inhibitors, such as tamoxifen are a primary chemotheraputic for breast cancer. ... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-11-30

GNU-Darwin Action: Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of Black Friday tomorrow, I hope you will
shop in our Amazon Affiliate store. (You can see some of the gear and
stuff that makes me the way I am.)

Proceeds assist our continuing activities on the internet. Thanks to all
of you, who over the days and years have played a part in making that

PS, some interesting bits of hardware are tucked in with the MP3 albums!... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-11-26

In memoriam: Warren Delano

I received the news via Dan Leahy regarding the passing of Warren Delano, PyMOL author and scientist. The news comes from Axel Brunger on the CCP4 list,. Although I never met Warren in person, we worked together extensively by email in the days when we were bringing PyMOL to the Apple platform for the first time. These experiences are among my cherished memories. Warren will obviously be missed and remembered. ... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-11-06

GNU-Darwin: Action

Many of you will be surprised to read proclus' profile at Amazon:

After a very long boycott over some patent issues, I perceived that
Amazon was not acting like a patent vulture, and I decide that I may be
able to exert more influence as a customer. For example, I have
consistently rated down Apple products and the Amazon Kindle, and I
will continue to do so until they fix the problems that our community
wants fixed. ... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-10-11

GNU-DarwinAction:Copyright Treaty Outrage

FOIA Request For Pending Copyright Treaty Denied:

An obvious outrage. It appears that the Obama administration is
beginning to unmask their orientation against cyber-liberties. Let's
see what we can do now to turn around this abhorrent juggernaut. It
need not come to congress at all, but if it does, then we can be ready
for that too.

BTW, as a reminder intermittent outages may be expected due to our
ongoing facility upgrade.... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2009-03-13

GNU-Darwin Action: iDon't

Current revisions of Darwin and the iPhone remain unsatisfactory to the
free software community. Join the iDon't campaign. Don't buy any Apple
products until these problems are fixed.

Posted by proclus realm 2009-02-10

GNU-Darwin Package set of Molecules Machine

I am starting to get questions about how the Molecules site was constructed.

I think that it is a good example of what is possible using GNU-Darwin
OS and FOSS, free and open source software. I also thought that
GNU-Darwinists and others would be interested in the package set. It
should be noted that these are alpha, first run packages, but we are
putting them to good use.... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2008-08-21 Molecules and Molecule of the Day

We have 4 million small molecules in pdb format, with more to come. Check it out.

RSS News Feed:

Be sure and scroll down to the News block, if you are wondering what it
is about.

Michael L. Love Ph.D
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street
Room 608B WBSB
Baltimore MD 21205-2185... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2008-08-20

GNU-Darwin Resume Service: editing, critiquing, examples

Would you like a noted Ph.D to check your résumé? We will read, edit, or critique your résumé. We can make suggestions that will help you not only with your résumé, but with your career. If you want to try this service,
the charge is [1]$125 via PayPal. The service is flexible,
and payment is negotiable. In this undertaking, Dr. Love is accompanied
by a receptionist with many years of experience in writing and reading
résumés inside and outside of her profession. We can help you.... read more

Posted by proclus realm 2008-08-14