
rough draft agenda for GMOD meeting


Below is a rough draft of the meeting agenda for the GMOD meeting being
held at SRI on May 16-17. Please go to

for more registration and lodging information on the meeting.

Note that this agenda is a rough draft, and the talk 'titles' are only
typically only placeholders until I get a real title, but hopefully the
subject matter will match up. Please let me know if:

a. Your name is on this agenda and you would like to give me a better
2. Your name is not on this agenda and you would like for it to me (I
can shoehorn in another talk if you want me to),
iii. You have any other comment about the agenda.


Monday Morning

9:00 introductions--Scott Cain
9:15 misc updates (gbrowse, textpresso, SGD, pub*, others?)

10:00 coffee

10:15 my trip to France (setting up ParameciumDB)--Scott Cain
11:00 ptools--Peter Karp

Monday afternoon (chado stuff)

1:15 Eric Just--porting chado and gmod tools to Oracle
2:00 Pinglei Zhou and Chris Mungall--chado design, XSL, XML, XORT

2:45 coffee

3:00 Apollo--Nomi/Mark
4:00 turnkey--Brian O'Connor

Tuesday morning (comparative genomics)

9:00 Peili Zhang--comparative genome annotation of D. pseudoobscura
using chado
9:45 Samuel Angiuoli--sybil for comparative genomics

10:30 coffee

11:00 Frank Smutniak--Transposon Insertions and Transposon Constructs

Tuesday afternoon (infrastructure stuff)

1:15 Todd Harris--Bio::GMOD
2:00 common URL--Somebody

2:30 coffee

3:00 das2--Allen Day or Lincoln Stein
3:45 Day

4:30 Wrap up; next meeting, etc--Scott Cain

Posted by Scott Cain 2005-04-25

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