
Adding 3d Models and arenas

Game Zone
  • Game Zone

    Game Zone - 2010-12-04

    I sent the following to Andreas Umbach. but have not gotten a reply, can
    anyone here shed some light on the following issues.

    Original mail below.

    Hello I have been working on modifying GLtron,

    I am looking to change the 3d models used in the game and add new game arenas.

    The modeller who is helping with the project has some questions

    Texture Format png, dds, bmp, jpg, tif?

    • Texture support Emissives, transparent normal maps etc..
    • Model Format .x md2 3ds etc..
    • Animation support?

    Also I did some of my own tests but didn't get a model into the game, It
    didn't show in game.

    Can you give me an overview of the procedure so I can forward the details to
    my modeler.

    I read on the site something about having to send models to you, perhaps it is
    not possible for others to add them, is this correct?

    I also want to change the game levels, is it possible to model new 3d game
    levels and add them into the game?

    Thank you for any information you can give us.

  • Andreas Umbach

    Andreas Umbach - 2010-12-05

    On 03.12.2010 16:38, Dean Avanti wrote:

    Hello I have been working on modifying GLtron,

    I am looking to change the 3d models used in the game and add new game


    Thanks for your interest in GLtron.

    I noticed you posted in two different webforums about my lack of replies, not
    48 hours after you sent your first e-mail to me...I'm not that fast at
    answering e-mail.

    The modeller who is helping with the project has some questions

    Texture Format png, dds, bmp, jpg, tif?

    • Texture support Emissives, transparent normal maps etc..

    • Model Format .x md2 3ds etc..

    • Animation support?

    As you've noticed (since you've been doing artpacks), all textures are .png

    Models are in a wavefront .obj variant, no texturing is supported atm. (models
    are colored through material groups). There's no animation support yet. The
    animation when the cycle turns is a hard coded full-model transformation. The
    explosion is similiar.

    Also I did some of my own tests but didn't get a model into the game, It
    didn't show in game.

    What exactly did you do?

    I read on the site something about having to send models to you, perhaps it
    is not possible for others to add them, is this correct?

    I also want to change the game levels, is it possible to model new 3d game
    levels and add them into the game?

    In the 'current' (developed in 2005) beta, there's limited supprt for custom
    level shapes. Check out levels/square.lua or levels/tri.lua

    A win32 beta can be found here:

    The subversion repository at berlios contains a whole level as 3d model (.obj
    format again), but the playing are is still a flat 2d shape.

    • Andreas

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