
2004 Dec 4: new beta (0.71 - 1006)

  • Andreas Umbach

    Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-04

    Patch from 1005 (100kb):

    Full-Download (3.3MB):

    What's new:

    • Experimental 'Wall buster' mode. Press and hold the 'd' key to enable it (your bike'll turn silver), and run right through the next wall. Hold for at most a second, recharges in at most 5 seconds (if you don't use it for more than 0.5 seconds, you can use it again in 2.5 seconds). Lemme know what you think (apart from the obvious that you want to know how much 'Wall buster' you have left.

    • Bugfixes

    Please post here if this version works for you. Please mention if you used the patch or the full download.

    • Andreas
    • Andreas Umbach

      Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-04

      I introduced a small bug that broke wall acceleration, here's the updated url's:

      Patch (can also be used to patch 1006):

      Full Download:

      Sorry for the inconvenience...

      • Andreas
      • Brandon

        Brandon - 2004-12-05

        I liked the reorganization of the menus, but it still needs artpack compatability (or a conversion tool) and a HUD toggle option.


        • Andreas Umbach

          Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-05

          Download and install ImageMagick (it's an awesome command line based image processing toolkit) from

          Now get

          and drag & drop each artpack folder onto it. It'll create a new 'walls.png' file inside the folder, which is just a concatenation of the four gltron_wall_[1-4].png files.

          Lemme know if this works for you

          • Andreas
        • Andreas Umbach

          Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-05

          Ok, here's a patch for 1007 that takes care of the HUD options:

          Happy now? :-)

          • Andreas
          • Andreas Umbach

            Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-05

            ARGH: Pasted the wrong URL! Ok, here's the correct one (about 7kb)...


            • Andreas
          • Brandon

            Brandon - 2004-12-05

            Thanks for the HUD toggle menu. I couldn't download the patch bat due to lack of persmissions.

            • Brandon

              Brandon - 2004-12-05

              Ok, I fixed the walls using gimp by combining them to create a 64x1024 file from the four 64x256 pieces. The floor isn't right, though. It's missing its transparency. Other than that, it looks about right.

            • Andreas Umbach

              Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-05

              I just double-checked the links. The permissions are correct, and it works for me here.

              • Andreas
              • Brandon

                Brandon - 2004-12-05


                You don't have permission to access /stuff/fixartpack.bat on this server.

                Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 8080"

                It doesn't matter, though because I fixed the walls manually. How about the floor transparency? I'm using the binary" artpack if you want to see what I mean.

                • Andreas Umbach

                  Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-06

                  Duh! I thought you said 'patch' in your last post. Of course I didn't check the permissions for the batch file. Fixed it now.

                  Sorry for the screw-up.

                  • Andreas
                  • Brandon

                    Brandon - 2004-12-06

                    Don't worry about it. Like I said, I figured out how to manually fix the problem with my trusty gimp. It's still a nice tool, and I shall keep it for any other artpack issues. Do you have any idea how I can fix the floor transparency issue, though? I hate to sound like a broken record.

                    • Andreas Umbach

                      Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-08

                      Yes, I broke the floor transparency (unintentionally) when I added the planar reflections. Reflections and transparency don't go well with each other, I guess when a tile is semi-transparent, the reflection should be weaker too. I'm trying to find a way to render this effect properly (without too much of a speed-hit).

                      • Andreas
    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Any chance of an OS X version ever?

      • Andreas Umbach

        Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-05

        I'd like to be able to build them myself (and hence be able to quickly put up a beta), but I still need some help from Darrell to update/convert the project files...

        I''ll post one as soon as that's done.

        • Andreas
    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The HUD creater is still suffering from lack of exposure to the beta with his creation in it! Also, he would like to hand you the version with the "official" colors, but he can't!

      Oh yeah, and by the way, when I handed you the PNGs for the HUD components, they were mostly transparent. What happened to the transparency? Also, is there any way you can fix the rough un-anti-aliased edges around the HUD? Just wondering...

      Sniff... I wan't the latest version on OS X :'(

      Ah, well, I can wait some more.


      • Andreas Umbach

        Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-06

        I had an e-mail exchange about OSX with Darrell yesterday. Fear not, help is on its way :-)

        • Andreas
        • Max Abrahams

          Max Abrahams - 2004-12-10

          I'd really like the .71 10007 build Beta for OS X.

          The sooner, the better =)

          • Commander
          • Andreas Umbach

            Andreas Umbach - 2004-12-10

            I've bugged Darrell about modifying the OS X build process so I can make the binaries myself (I only have a 10.2 (Jaguar) OS X, so I can't use the fancy new 'XCode' stuff...

            • Andreas
    • Max Abrahams

      Max Abrahams - 2004-12-11

      Its comforting to know its getting worked on.


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