
GLTron launches and then nada?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    ...for any OS X Standard -OR- Managed Users. If I run as an admin it works great. I have allowed the Managed users to launch it and have even checked the box to "Allow supporitng programs" but while other programs work fine (even Office - go figure), GLTron seems to launch but never follows through.
    I'm using v0.70 on Tiger and the permissions for the .app and its contents are 755/744 as appropriate (or so it seems).

    Any ideas?

    • Andreas Umbach

      Andreas Umbach - 2006-09-20

      I'm pretty clueless about this so I ask a few questions:

      • Aren't all users on OS X 'standard' and require to execute 'sudo' to perform admin tasks?
      • If you start it from the command-line (terminal), do you get any error messages?

      • Andreas

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      To answer your questions:
      1) Yes, but you're confusing a UNIX admin with an OS X admin. ALL OS X users have to sudo to perform UNIX admin (root) tasks (or enter credentials in a GUI dialog box), but there is also an OS X admin, which can install programs to the Applications folder and perform other sub-root tasks. The OS X Admin user can also run GLTron without issue, while regular (Standard or Managed) OS X users can not for some reason. If you have OS X handy, go ahead and make a new (non-admin) account in System Preferences and try running GLTron to see what I mean.

      2) Actually, there are errors for all users...
      The error(s) for non-admin (Standard/Managed OS X) users is as follows (via Console) and does not run:
      dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/SDL_sound.framework/Versions/A/SDL_sound
      Referenced from: /Applications/
      Reason: image not found

       The error(s) for admins (OS X, that is) users is as follows (via Console) and runs (I launched and quit it only):

      Working Directory=/Applications/
      [status] loading settings from /Users/mkozak/Library/Preferences//gltronPrefs.txt
      [status] loading artpack 'classic'
      using min_filter: 9987 (setting: 3)
      libpng warning: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
      libpng warning: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
      [scripting audio] found track ' '
      [sound] initializing sound
      [sound] loading song
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      Mouse buttons: 1, State 1, Position (190, 68)
      Mouse buttons: 1, State 0, Position (190, 68)
      [script] calling action of 'Quit', type 7
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      buffer underrun!
      [system] shutting down SDL now
      [system] exiting application

      • Andreas Umbach

        Andreas Umbach - 2006-10-30

        It looks like it's a permission issue.

        If you download & install GLtron as a non-admin user, it works fine. If you run it from the Applications folder, (where an admin installed it, it does not). Run this line in Terminal

        find /Applications/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

        That should fix the directory permissions for the framework folders, and enable other users to run it. Let me know if this fixed the problem for you...

        • Andreas
        • Andreas Umbach

          Andreas Umbach - 2006-10-30

          Update: Looks like also there's a few file permissions out of order, so ditch the -type d and just do

          find /Applications/ -exec chmod 755 {} \;

          to set all file permissions to 755. (644 would work for non-executables and non-directories but we won't bother with that now).

          • Andreas
          • Nobody/Anonymous

            They already are 755 (see my reply to myself below), but they apparently need to be 777.
            Someone at Apple might be able to tell you why...?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      That's funny, since other apps work after you edit their access (with the GUI via System Preferences) to make them accessible by non-admin users (checkbox for the app and then a global/master checkbox for allowing "supporitng apps"). I wonder what that GUI does to the other apps that it does NOT do to GLTron?

      I'll give the permissions changes a try and see how it goes. Of course, does that mean that it overrides the OS X-based settings (allowing it to run and allowing supporting apps to also run for Managed users). I'll have to take a closer look at what these checkboxes actually change by doing it a few times and looking at the results, if any...

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        OK, although most applications install themselves as "root.wheel" or "root.admin" there are some that install as user.user (where user is that which installed the app).

        What's interesting is that the apps that install as "user.user" still run just fine for Standard and Managed users in OS X, yet GLTron does not. The only difference between the other "user.user" apps and GLTron is the WRITE bit being enabled on the former, but NOT in GLTron (from *.app/Contents and on down).

        The permissions are thus ALREADY set to 755 for GLTron. If I change them to 777, only then does it seem to work for ALL users...

        I notice some other interesting results that are contrary to the norm in OS X (CMD-Q being the biggest), so whomever does the OS X port may want to take a a closer look at GLTron in terms of this:
        ...specifically, here: well as the permissions discussed above.


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