
Some Ideas that were left unnoticed

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Quite a few times people have been asking for things and have been ignored I just want to ask about some ideas that I think would be interesting.

    A bike/wall color changing screen for the game menu,
    "Endless" level that repeats itself,
    Replays and replay modes,
    Camera "Lock on view",
    and Multiple camera views for "the dead" (Like zoom in on other players and stuff.).

    P.S. I saw that the level designing program was refused, but can someone create one anyway. It would be great! There are too few that are out there to play on.

    Also what happened to the city level that Draken was going to work on?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      (I think I came up with two of those...) I neglected to mention that I havn't bothered with the level at all, really. The thread that I was going to talk about it in went dead and noone really bothered to mention that they cared, so I quit working on it.

      • Draken

      BTW: has anyone bothered copying the 4 Squares level from that thread?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i just tried the 4 squares "arena" I think it goes good with some artpacks and provides a challenge even with wallblaster mode on.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Why isn't anyone posting?

    • thoubo

      thoubo - 2005-04-21

      no news for glTron since february... sad...

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        But at least I've been somewhat active in the forums (not to mention the source code!).

        • Andreas
    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What have you been working on in the program.
      (Perhapse it's time to put another (update) news post on the main page.)

      P.S. One thing I think the guy forgot was the intro movie. Also how's the "disapearing trails" mode coming?

      • Draken
    • Nobody/Anonymous

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      By "endless level that repeats itself" you mean a level that has an infinate loop in all directions, right? How is it posible to render one side of the level when a player is about to reach another on the map?
      Wouldn't it be simpler to just let players add "teleportation walls" or something?
      Just some thoughts :)

      • Andreas Umbach

        Andreas Umbach - 2005-05-22

        It's possible to 'flatten' a level of e.g. torus topology and render it, although it's a bit tricky. Also, you have to cut off visibilty at some point in the distance, otherwise you'd be able to see an infinite number of copies of yourself...

        • Andreas
    • Nobody/Anonymous

      With teleporting walls you couldn't see where you are going...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry its been so long... is it posible to have some of these things integrated into GLTron?

      I would really like to see that endless arena now that I've come to think about it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      what about a survival
      you start with 1 bike on the lowest setting as soon as hes gone the walls disapear (both his and yours) anda new bike is generated

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      For the endless level idea, why not just make the level a globe?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i downloaded the 4 squares map it was pretty cool hopefully it will be placed ina future build

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Here's an idea: how about, instead of haveing the area "loop" itself, just make it a sphere?

      ooooooooh! A sphere area! So cool!


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