
#1 Project file

YX Liu
IO (1)
YX Liu

GLMoM needs to implement a project file which can save/load all the data/information required for a simulation.


1. one single project file should include all the data/information required for a simulation

2. the project file can be freely moved to any directory and reused

3. the project file should be reasonably small and does not contain simulation results

4. the project file is a text file and easily understood and modified by human

5. the project file should have a version number, and efforts should be made to keep backward compatibility and extendability

What's in the project file:

1. the geometry of structures to be simulated
2. the environment (medium)
2.1 medium type (free space/multilayered medium)
2.2 multilayered medium configuration
3. the excitation
3.1 excitation type (plane wave / delta voltage source)
4. the analysis
4.1 analysis type (resonance / frequency sweep)
4.2 frequency range and step
4.3 analysis options
4.3.1 Green's functions options
4.3.2 MoM options


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