
Building Glide 2x for Win32

  • Neal Tringham

    Neal Tringham - 2000-01-22


    • Neal Tringham

      Neal Tringham - 2000-01-22


        Sorry about that - I must have hit some mysterious hotkey by accident.

        In any case, I'm trying to build the Glide 2.x sources for Banshee / Voodoo 3 and Voodoo Graphics for a Win32 dll target as a way of tracking down crash problems on Voodoo 1 and Rush cards with the current (3.1 / 3.2) Mesa source trees built for Win32 / FX.  Unfortunately the source I got from only appears to contain part of the Win32 makefiles. 

      For example, the root directory for the Banshee / Voodoo 3 source contains a Visual C makefile and a setenv.bat batch file which seems to be intended for Windows, but the swlibs / include directory hierarchy does not contain the nmake directory which the root makefile seems to be looking for, and the make process thus aborts at a very early stage (when it can't find the appropriate copy of 3dfx.mak).

      I'd rather not reconstruct these makefiles from scratch, seeing as they must exist somewhere and I assume they were only removed from the RPMs to minimise the size of the download, so does anyone know who I can ask to get a copy of all the Win32 make stuff for Glide 2x for Banshee / Voodoo 3 and Voodoo Graphics?

      (My apologies if this is an inappropriate message for this forum - I did spend some time looking around, but couldn't find anywhere else that seemed more appropriate).

              Thanks in advance,

                  Neal Tringham (VX)


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