

Using GLFW
  • Daniel Olofsson

    Daniel Olofsson - 2011-10-05

    First off, thanks for a great windowing library! :-)

    However I am experiencing some strange behavior at window creation when using
    anti-aliasing. The window first appears briefly and then swiftly closes and
    just then again it reappears. Is there some testing going on to see if anti-
    alias is supported, is this expected behavior? It can be pretty annoying when
    opening a fullscreen window; this sets the focus to the desktop and the
    program is left in the taskbar.

  • Daniel Olofsson

    Daniel Olofsson - 2011-10-05

    .. Forgot I am using Windows 7.

  • elmindreda

    elmindreda - 2011-10-05

    Sadly, yes, it is expected and required, due to the way the WGL API works. We
    need to create a non-AA context in order to get access to the extensions we
    need to create the AA context.