
#259 OSX Mavericks Build Error

OSX (2)

Hi there,

Building GLEW on OS X "Mavericks" v10.9.4 results in the following build error:

ar cr lib/libGLEW.a tmp/darwin/default/static/glew.o
strip -x lib/libGLEW.a
/Applications/ archive member: /private/tmp/glew-XBd5px/glew-1.11.0/lib/libGLEW.a(glew.o) is a fat file (not allowed in an archive)
make: *** [lib/libGLEW.a] Error 1

(Results of running make all)

I stumbled upon a fix for the build error by disabling the stripping of the binaries by changing my build command to STRIP="" make all. I do not really know why this resolves the issue, but alas.

This bug is being reported as a result of the discussion at homebrew pull request #33754



  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2015-01-24
    • Group: 1.12.0 --> 1.12.1
  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2015-03-14

    I have MacPorts installed, but not homebrew. I guess I'll give that a spin to see if I can reproduce the issue.

  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2015-03-14
    • assigned_to: Nigel Stewart
    • Priority: 1 --> 5
  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2015-03-15

    Indeed I can reproduce this in homebrew. The underlying issue is that universal binaries are not currently supported. The STRIP= approach is a workaround, at best. It so happens there is a separate bug filed for universal binaries, so hopefully we can circle back on this soon. (For the next release of GLEW)

  • Jeffrey Carpenter

    I see. Thank you for the update! :-)

    Until then,

  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2015-08-11
    • Group: 1.12.1 --> 1.13.1
  • Joshua Root

    Joshua Root - 2016-02-24

    You have to use ARFLAGS=crs (rather than just cr) when creating universal archives. We do this in MacPorts.

  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2017-04-23
    • status: open --> closed
  • Nigel Stewart

    Nigel Stewart - 2017-04-23

    Fixed, closing. Use SYSTEM=darwin-universal