
Text along circle path

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-04-04

    I have a 2.25" circle that I want to put text arced along the path of the upper circle, which works well. I also want to put text along the path at the bottom of the circle. The issue is when I try to do this the text  is reversed because it always come out formatted to go on the top. I have tried flipping both horz & vert, without results.

    I wouldn't think this is rocket science & I am sure I am over looking something really simple.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-04-04

    Don't know if this is the correct way of doing this but it worked for me. I installed the Reverse Stroke tool and implemented it before adding the text that I wanted along the bottom of the circle.

    Reverse Stroke created a new Selection in the path dialog called Reverse Selection, I then used that for my text along path.


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