

history (1)

The Story Behind

I play FFXI addictedly. But never really trusted bots and other extensions. It took me 4 years to finally get down and install Windower (well known helper tool within FFXI community).

Somewhere back two years ago I was staring in my monitor and opening the nth excel-sheet just to get aware of the fact that I didn't have a specific sheet that would give me the informations and options I'd need to follow that epic quest to that ultimate weapon. I was paralyzed.

"Should I really open a new excel and start gathering the information, establishing a proper layout and inventing another set of macros that give me the needed flexibility?"

It wouldn't have been the first time, and I did succeed quite a lot of times to that point where my excels could handle ingame information quite well. But another one among the ones I got already and another one I will have too keep up-to-date?

Thats where my real-life quest series began, entitled as Giggler...

Why Giggler ?!?

Giggler, like giggling. It sounds like smiling and laughing at the same time. Or for the more visual type out there it twinkers at you.

Giggler is not an official part of the game. It has to use some tricks to extend your experience. Though this sounds like hardcore and off the limits, giggler is not going beyond the limits. So its not a serious tool for doing business.